
I want that Marshal story to be true so badly!! I read that too, but wasn’t sure it had been confirmed. I tend to read everything and then hope, and then once WaPo has been cleared to publish it, breathe a sigh of relief that it was confirmed by a billion people, etc. to merit publication there.

Do you really not see a difference between “many people online” and Sean Hannity, who has the air of legitimacy (for those who see Fox News as legitimate) of a major media company?

Thank you for saying this!!! I had forgotten about that aspect. I was busy laughing with glee that he got someone who doesn’t know shit about impeachment. I’d forgotten that there might be a real reason to do that.

That it does! I enjoy all the popcorn seasoning these days. :)

Haha my bad! I thought you were asking. I totally agree with you. I don’t know if it means impeachment is already in motion (though I hope so). I know that a lot of people on news reports, podcasts, etc. have been saying he needs to hire his own attorney, so it could just be that message making it through. But

Yes. That was Morgan Lewis. I believe they got law firm of the year in Russia or something.

The WH counsel aren’t really HIS lawyers. They are the president’s lawyers, but they (supposedly) represent the office, not the individual. If he has criminal liability issues, it makes sense he should have an individual lawyer. The WH counsel represent him, in a way, but they don’t really represent his interests

I just realized he looks like Mike Pence—maybe the eyes. That just makes it worse.

It’s rumored that when Comey sent Congress the October letter advising he was reopening the investigation into Clinton’s emails, it was originally intended to be classified. Chaffetz then removed the classified markings and leaked it to the press.

This is amazing. Well done. And good luck on the bar!

It’s not a “business opportunity” for them. You can’t patent pot. No patent, no monopoly, no astronomical pricing.

Best part about this cartoon is that unless my eyes deceive me, the cartoonist has given Kim Jong Un a larger missile (and larger hands, too, check it out!!) than Dolt 45.

I had similar thoughts. And I read elsewhere that the few things found in the cabin included lube. I feel so horrible for this girl. It’s awful no matter what. But it kills me that she might not have even, in the moment, wanted to leave with him. It’s bad enough to be manipulated into thinking you want sex with

Exactly. I 100% agree with you. It just annoys me that she clearly also wasn’t looking to run away with him, and that part isn’t being included here.

I wish this article included one piece of info that would really be helpful in response to many comments about “willingness” to go with him. I remember when she disappeared, she’d told someone that if she wasn’t back by a certain time, to look for her.

Plus, when she first disappeared, I read reports that said she’d actually told people around her that if she wasn’t home by a certain time, to call the police. I think she feared what was possibly going to happen the last time she went to meet this guy. Telling people to start looking for you if you’re not back by a

And you’re damn right it’s a gender thing. Gore was also screwed by the electoral college but that was a result of Nader, poor polling technology and a media hell-bent on spreading any and all lies against him.

Seriously. He didn’t support Ossoff and it’s like, WTF. I think it was probably the right thing for him to support Mello. But only because it’s the right thing to support whoever is the best choice in each race. We must work with what we’ve got at the moment, and go from there. But to pretend that there’s

Ugh, every time i try to star you it’s somehow removing stars. But this was exactly my trajectory. I was meh on Hillary at first and somewhat interested in Bernie, and thought it was great he was pushing the party left. Now I love Hillary and can’t stand him. Help advance the ball or GTFO. He’s just another old

My favorite part of that comment was “What if men went on strike? Are you saying that without men working the economy wouldn’t miss a beat?” Sigh.