Did you intend to type “graft” or was it autocorrected from “grift”?
Did you intend to type “graft” or was it autocorrected from “grift”?
Yeah, well, you know, that’s just like, uh, your opinion, man.
Hi Scott. Thanks for this measured and respectful feedback. To answer your question: Thankfully, I am not stupid enough to personally attack a stranger on the internet for doing their job. And boy, am I glad for that. ✌️
Nothing wrong in telling kids to be careful. How stupid are you?
Now here’s an idea with some merit.
“the public square”
The extremely key distinction here. Come on.
I read alot of people saying the same thing in the comments on the previous article but we really do need these remakes or at the very least graphics and tech updates like Nightdive does.
It is deeply weird to me that this is how reality or anything else works somehow, but here we are.
Sounds like a trick that parents used to pass on chicken pox.
It’s been a thing in the art world for a few years now. You too can own a share in a Renoir!
If you spend $300,000 on a video game, you’re a fucking idiot and deserve everything bad that happens to you,
Do you think somebody who spent $100,000 on a car in this game feels like they’ve “retained their value” because they got a generic replacement car in a different game?
Its worse because the dlc cost $100,000 was touted as an investment and doesn’t exist anymore.
Not much of an investment if your return is a random trash car in a game you didn't ask for
ive never heard of that
“I bought a link! It points to my family photographs!”
“Congratulations! I have just changed the link to send you to my extensive gallery of penis injuries.”
“No refunds. Blockchain!” :jazz hands:
it’s called a pyramid scheme.
Cue the dumbass cryptbros: yOu JuSt DoN’t UnDeRsTaNd CrYpTo BrO tRuSt Me It’S bEtTeR tHaN rEaL mOnEy!!!! now give me some real money for my fake money!
The phrase “play stupid games, win stupid prizes” has never meant anything quite so literal.