I can understand the desire to be famous, but hers is a level of fame so far beyond anything most people would ever want. Yikes.
I can understand the desire to be famous, but hers is a level of fame so far beyond anything most people would ever want. Yikes.
You know, there’s other ways to flatten a penny. Like putting it under your mom’s mattress. Oooh! Zing!
Some guns on some sets might be real, but a lot of the time they are modified firearms that can only fire blanks. I’ve used the latter, and they won’t even accept a normal cartridge.
This is an article, not a video. They don’t have to pull it down - they just edited it and posted the correction. Like he showed they did. What’s with all these idiots and their “gotcha” comments?
But then they might buy a Playstation and leave MS behind. They can’t have that!
Destin is the main reason I stopped going to IGN/listening to their podcasts years ago. I’ve always described him as a knowledgeable idiot.
While I completely agree that they need to take more risks with Star Wars, the one thing we don’t need is singing. God, please, no singing.
I guess my last sentence was worded poorly. It should have read, “Actually, Kotaku’s reviews do affect a game’s Metacritic standing. Metacritic comes up with their own score based on the impression they get from an unscored review.”
Correct, unscored reviews are listed as unscored, but they still factor into the metascore given to a game.
The article still glosses over that fact. It’s mentioned, but barely, that it’s still too early to get a real impression based on what scores are in so far. Furthermore, the author of this article doesn’t even understanding how metascores are calculated.
Maybe don’t even ask. Why does it even matter?
There’s not just a direct correlation between weight and health, there’s a direct causation between excess weight and health issues. Are you stupid, or just stupid?
Listen, fatty, it’s a known thing. I’m obese and I know that if I don’t get my shit together soon I won’t live as long as my peers. This is very clear cut and science greatly supports it.
Their next article will be titled “15 Movies That Exist”.
But... why?
I certainly would, but Nintendo does things so differently. I’ve bought, maybe, 2 titles on my Switch digitally because I don’t trust Nintendo to allow me to access digital titles on another console.
I hate this so much. Can’t we just keep humans involved in dealing with other humans? We’re all fucked.
“When a company eats a company that eats a company things get lost, and that’s very frustrating.”
I would be surprised if digital games do carry over, unless it’s just a Switch Pro. Nintendo’s so weird about this stuff.
Considering the massive success of the Switch, whatever comes next will likely be iterative and backwards compatibility will be a no-brainer. Just like the WiiU was backwards compatible with the Wii. And the Wii with the Gamecube. And the 3DS with the DS. And the DS with the GBA. And the GBA with the GB.
Wait... why is…