
Since when have fans of French physician Jean Marc Gaspard Itard been specifically interested in Apple products?

As an old, old man (42) with kids, shorter games sound like a great idea.

I wondered when that was going to happen.

Maybe, but I don’t even run a company and yet I manage to disappoint my wife all the time.

So true, and so confusing. My parents are fundamentalist Christians. Good people, but hardcore into the bible. And my dad is absolutely incensed that anyone calling themselves a Christian could support Trump. He has a couple friends that think Trump is amazing (which is especially confusing since we’re Canadian), and

I can’t wait. I’ve been desperately waiting for a console with not just flops, but teras too.

I want the classic space sets.

Every one is custom made, so you can decide exactly how it looks!

I think this is something we can all agree on.

The seizure aspect stood out like a sore thumb to me. As you said, something else is going on.

Mini versions of handhelds seem like a terrible idea.

Oh, Moses smell the roses. The moment you use words like “fuckboi” it’s clear we’re dealing with someone of a limited intellect. Go back to bed and lay down. You can do the least damage from there.

Uh huh. And why are you reading an article about a Star Wars actor? So you can spout off your nasty little views to show off to your Nazi friends how you’re a real internet tough guy? Good job, pumpkin.

Not proportionally. And being a white man, I’m going to tell you to shut the fuck up.

It should be posted in every police station and at the entrance of every gated community.

That saying should be everywhere.

Anyone mentioning Better Off Ted gets a star!

Get outta here with your physical media shit. ;)

Hell, yes. It’s not like anything happens on that show without Michaels’ explicit approval.

Don’t forget Fallon thought it’d be hilarious to wear a mask when Hillary was on his show, because ha ha ha she’s in such poor health.