
Fuck this piece of shit.

They weren’t runner ups in the sense that ESPN had finalists; they were in the sense that they were also qualified to win the award.

“I Could care less”

Serious question here, no snark (although I am in the greys, so who knows if anyone will respond): Why the exclusive focus on social fraternities/sororities? I graduated recently from a large Big 10 school with a large Greek presence, and no social fraternity/sorority was exclusively white. In contrast, there were no

That’s what unsuccessful people tell themselves.

....since 2013 you’re 121-203 tho

They were 112-107 in the seven years before he got there and 115-56 in the five he was there for.... Good choice on what to be bitter about.

It’s not judgy, some people are just morons. If you have unprotected sex with someone you don’t know, and you catch a STD, you kinda had it coming.

You’re simply assuming that the professor is lying and the accusers are telling the truth!

Black people also account for a disproportionate amount of crime, however.

Aside from your completely bullshit facts about Hawaii, 140,000 of 155,000 registered in Hawaii voted on whether they wanted statehood or not, and only 8000 voted no. But I guess a vote favored by 93% of their population is super fucking illegal!

I was confused as to why someone would think this is confusing

Overreaction of the century

Do any of these English soccer players have any cousins that are SAE at OU? Somehow, I doubt it.

Yeah fuck you too

The idea that ever job in America should pay a living wage is asinine, as is the idea that employees should steal from every job that doesn’t. In the future, be less dumb.

As much as I love your hot and edgy takes, I don’t think you know what a “direct sponsor of slavery” is.

There’s two outs, so a single is going to score two runs anyways and extra bases is gonna win the game for the Giants. Doesn’t really seem like a bad strategy to me.

If “guys that think it would be cool if they and their friends were famous” is your distinct sector, then I’d say it’s a pretty big sector.

Do you really think the Jezebel/Gawker writers are particularly knowledgeable about Fraternities and Sororities?