
Yeah, I’ve won around 60 games of CTF lost maybe 10 and had probably 20 draws. Fun game but people don’t bother learning how to play and just run their ignorant mouths about how it’s bad when it’s not.

Hell doesn’t exist. She’ll get no punishment.

That’s hilarious. FFXIV is poorly made garbage with bad writing.

You’re grasping at straws trying to say they’re not gay. lol...

Yeah, but lesbians are the okay gays. Whenever someone wants to add some gays to their media they typically go lesbians because straight guys love lesbians. Just like with Overwatch. So just because someone added lesbians to something doesn’t make them friends to the gays.

Garbage like 2 and 3.

You don’t need to go to college to not be an idiot. Most people that go are idiots.

As the only actual gamer on Gawker I have to say stay away from anything Square Enix be they publishing or developing. They don’t make good games. Squaresoft made good games and Enix made some good ones, but after the merger/takeover they don’t make good games.

Not the gamers.

Better release the first one then.

That’s because you’re an ignorant little shit with the name of a bad character from a failed game. I bought an Oculus Rift and had it for 6 months before I sold it. Still have VorpX installed.

Poor bastards haven’t gotten the memo that VR is shitty. Probably all these stuck in an MMO because of VR anime is why the lines are big.

Don’t say stupid shit.

She sounds like a moron that doesn’t know what an Oscar is to me. Maybe it’s just because I’m smarter than you people and rational.

They didn’t interview any fans it seems.

Are you a rapist?

I played 15, won 13, lost 1 and tied 1. You just need to learn how to play, it’s super fun then.

I won 13 out of 15 games so far in a row while playing defense with Sym/Torb, lost 1 and 1 was a tie. The game mode is fun and balanced. You just need to learn how to play. I used to love Halo 2 CTF and I love this CTF, especially with powers.

Teabagging is sexual harassment. IMO they should have charges filed.

Paid off article.