Dems never seem to miss an opportunity to stick their dicks in a meat grinder. Honest to fuck. To quote the Newsroom - “If liberals are so fucking smart, how come they lose so goddamn always?” This shit is why.
Dems never seem to miss an opportunity to stick their dicks in a meat grinder. Honest to fuck. To quote the Newsroom - “If liberals are so fucking smart, how come they lose so goddamn always?” This shit is why.
Thanks for giving the right wing media something to run with at a pivotal time. Self serving bullshit, she should be embarrassed.
Yep. I have had it with Donna Brazile. Her passing of debate questions to the Clinton Campaign was beyond unethical, and she can be directly implicated in a number of failed DNC initiatives over the past decade. She’s a party hack.
It’s Brazile looking for headlines. Financial mismanagement doesn’t get the clicks and book sales that implying a non-existent rigging of a nomination system Sanders lost back in February of 2016 does.
She’s just been so hard to find!
No one is required to like Kathy Griffin’s brand of comedy, obviously, but the glee with which these two privileged-ass white men (and not to mention the “feminists” all over this here kinja) have danced on the demise of Griffin’s career stinks of gross misogyny. We are into defending anyone and everyone who gets…
I’ve always liked her. And her bit about Martha Stewart and Barbara Walters is still one of my favorite things ever.
Agreed. I’m also way pissed at Anderson Cooper about the way he constantly sucked up to Donald Trump during the campaign — it was like a horror movie. And the way he’s gone along with throwing Kathy Griffin under the bus is, well, I would have said, beneath him, but, after 2016, I’m no longer certain anything is…
Same. Well-said.
Kathy Griffin can do no wrong, in my book. She’s funny and observant as hell, and has worked her ass off forever.
Yeah, its funny for about 15 minutes until he starts preaching politics. Sarah Silverman is better at being “shocking”, at least its funny.
Very impressive. Highly athletic. Not a sport.
Thank you. My mother works in a tech job at a large company whose tech department is virtually all Indian/Asian men, and I see this firsthand through her. If I have to hear another oblivious white liberal on Kinja tell me that H1B1s are great and these companies only hire Indian/Asian candidates because they are just…
Somewhere, Ask Jeeves lets out a self-satisfied chuckle.
I think the people reading this website have already figured out Ivanka is just a dumb ineffectual bitch who benefits off of her racist, sexist, asshole father by pretending to be above it all. Let her burn. I want to see her lose everything and I want to see her little plastic surgery nose and cheekbones fall…
Sorry every candidate that Bernie & his “revolution” has backed has lost. The term “bro” deserves to be mocked since all of you seem to have issues with people of color, particularly women. There hasn’t been one that Bernie & his crew haven’t gone after with a vengeance. Spare me the Nina Turner shit, as she’s as…
If you followed Bernie Sanders’ resurgent campaign for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination in even a cursory way, you heard about the scourge of the “Bernie Bro.”
She wasn’t wrong. Houston was making crap she herself didn’t even like, at the time. And Sharon Stone was a one-trick pony in the end.
And don’t be a dick about it. She’s shading Seinfeld for doing something he was perfectly had the right to do. If the situation was reversed everyone would think he was a jerk to still harp on it.
I don’t blame her for wanting to hug him, but a lot of people don’t realize that a hug might be more intimate than the other person likes. I don’t like hugging people I don’t know well, but I have a very needy coworker who wants hugs often. I’ll give them to her because I don’t want to be a jerk to an emotional…