
I don!t know me, and 5 of my friends were playing for about 2 hours and we were having a blast. Sure we had to come up with some strategy but then we were doing pretty good. We usually have Torbjorn on defense with Lucio and Soldier coming to his help when things get bad. On attack were D.VA, Junkrat, Reaper, Genji

It is not wrong when they both agree with it. Bondage fans are doing this because of roleplay and situations they want to experienced. You would be surprised how many people have this fantasy of being tied up or tying someone up.
But it has nothing to do with rape or abuse. I mean, in most bondage positions, sex is

Oh she got some chocolate from Genji...that is nice...

How about not watching anime then??? I mean I don’t like lots of stuff and you know what i do? I don’t watch/read/play/eat/drink that stuff.