
If you don't really care about the quality, you can use the Android app CamScanner (free). You can easily upload your files to any cloud storage from there.

Why? Android OS is really a mature platform now plus there's a lot of content available. And the only thing that was holding their devices from showing their true power was the slow Symbian OS that could never became a great OS.

"Or which apps talk home and how frequently." Can you share the app you used to do this? Thanks.

I would like to see an app or webapp that takes you from one place to another completely with the Google Street View. So you can feel you are inside the car just staring at the landscape while you are transported to your destination.

Ipod Touch has gotten slower. Takes longer for apps to load. WTH!

"embiggen"? is that a valid word?

He's already working in a Apple fanboy site, in case you didn't notice.

Jobs didn't want Flash on his phone. That's why. And Adobe has stated that making Flash versions for every phone was too much of a hassle. So they wont support Flash on mobile devices anymore.

First Stared commenters, now only top 3 show up in the articles? Are we not good enough for you guys?

So what am I suppose to strap an iPhone to my wrist? Are watchs unwearable now?

So what am I suppose to strap an iPhone to my wrist? Are watchs unwearable now?

Y U no let me fullscreen video?

Do AOL still exist? What's their business about?

"As a commenter points out, this device also resembles the PlayStation Eye accessory." You don't say? "...what appears to be an iPhone or iPod" really? You think they are going to use an iPhone with their console?

Yes, it's called double one-handed technique.

Just in case, backup your drivers with Double Driver. Not 100% effective, but can save you from installing all the drivers.

Yay! Let's start an article about a PC laptop talking about Apple. TY.

Wow, Gizmodo, you are a really good site but please, don't tell me what to do, like if this kind of articles are gonna create a revolution.

There you go.
