
Just in case, backup your drivers with Double Driver. Not 100% effective, but can save you from installing all the drivers.

Yay! Let's start an article about a PC laptop talking about Apple. TY.

Wow, Gizmodo, you are a really good site but please, don't tell me what to do, like if this kind of articles are gonna create a revolution.

There you go.



You can add Google Health to that list.

I use that one, too. A dollar, really cheap.

Will be broadcast live here:

Damn it, let me dream!

There you go, sir. TinEye is really useful.

The effort and time you putted by giving us so many explanations probably costed you more than the .99c the app costs. Next time, just buy the app and don't be so cheap.

I was thinking the same thing. The whole Gawker media revolves around iPhone. Seriously, we know you like Apple products, but it's getting annoying.

Remenber to obfuscate the code so noone knows what it does if they decompile it. Maybe you can future-proof your app by add some IPV6 module, just remenber to comment it before we get there.

I will leave this here.

Don't watch the last part, it's a trap!

Wow, security cameras shoot 1080000p video, nice.

I thought they were glasses.