
DVDs have been around for 15 years. There's no other disc format other than the BD disc that can handle 50 GBs and it's only 4 years old so I believe they'll be in use for a while. They can ignore BDs but it will be a pain for XBOX users to download 20 or 30 GB games, Plus they will need a big HD to store more than a

@pandafresh: I could not agree with you anymore. It feels like the funny writers are now writing for Futurama which in change, has not lost it's touch.

Now playing

Old Crash Bandicoot made a commercial in front of this building.

So what do we have to do now to get a star?

I wonder when are we gonna have cable tv over the Internet? It would be awesome. i wonder, too, what kind of internet speed we would need for this?

This text is entirely generated by google scribe, I only wrote "this is my netbook" and kept pressing tab.

Ohh, come on. So what are we suppose to do? Some say we should stretch while others say we shouldn't? This studies confuse everybody. And does this only applies to running or prior to performing any sport?

I just made a google search for "plnats". Not sure what plant or seed is that.

@Black Knight Rebel: Not just Lifehacker. Gizmodo and Kotaku should be compatible as well.

Sorry, but she doesn't look like Jenova AT ALL.

Sadly, Final Fantasy 13. I hate that it's too linear. You can't wonder around and do other stuff beside continuing with the story line.

I can't see HammerMario.

@vel0city: Add Google DNS server ( as an alternative DNS and your internet will never go out. My ISP's DNS goes down too.

I finally understand Metroid.

@the7k: I cannot watch this anymore! * closes browser tab *

Didn't know water moves upward in China.