
Well, he can do a cameo in Final Fantasy VII Remake HD. Why not? And for the time being could have meant "in this month". Right?

This Avatar comics are getting old.

Wish they accepted International credit cards. Will they ever implement a PayPal feature. They have miss so much money we Latinos would have spent so far.

Will it be free?

Reminds me of the old NES box arts.

@sgtevmckay: I think it needs a little more animation. It looks too still. Have you seen Magic Formation. The icons "grow" when you move the mouse over.

@sgtevmckay: I see the Z-level of the dock is set by default as "TopMost" and hides the settings window. As the default background image is also big, it's hard to move the settings window. Not a big deal if you configure the Z-order as Normal.

@sgtevmckay: Im a MagicFormation fan and your app really looks interesting. I've been following it for over a year waititng for updates. I see it still needs some adjustments, like when you edit an item, the settings hide behind the dock and are hard to see. But it looks good. it still needs a little "smoothness" when

@snenad: Mine too. But it's not yet the proper 3.6. Wonder if they left that because RC2 is indeed 3.6 or they don't care to specify it's the RC2. We'll see if it changes tomorrow.

Does this means my FX 3.6 RC2 will update itself to 3.6 or do I have to do it manually?

What Final Fantasy battle music is that? I don't recognize it.

I use Google Tasks for "read later" items. I have place a bookmark for this addres : [] and make it open on the sidebar. So when I get home, I just go trough my tasks and read the items.

ShowMyPC is a no-install remote tool. Has helped me out a lot.

@YoungZer0: He owns the site so I think he will.

Mortal Kombat!

When are you guys gonna have video? This are 10's you know. You can stream video trough the web nowadays.

@coren: Me too . I liked how Windows XP shows your newly added files at the end of the list. So when you extract a file, you know you'll find at the end of the file list.

@tomasse: We should blame the complexity of recent games. Really good and sharp graphics, CG scenes, nice User Interfaces (menus) and so many good effects, they all take so much time and dedication. If you don't spend time on them you end up with a game that will feel like it was developed for the PS2, and that's not

WTF! Leno sucks. Conan is ten times funnier than Leno, he deserves the prime time. Do you guys remember those funny Simpsons episodes from the first seasons? They were funny because Conan wrote them. Leno's jokes are not funny. He lost his chance, let Conan stay in prime time and put Leno the day after.