
@t88: It' the Phat.

@kb: Try FlashBlock. It loads only the Flash you tell it to.

:/ I hoped to see Firefox 3.6 before January. Now i can see it will be something more like Febreaury. I just hope they get the Multi-Threaded done by Firefox 4.

@JamesIsIn: I think he meant to hide the slots you never use (like Compact FlashCard). You leave the SD o MS slots alone.

@Leafy: I agree. TreeSize free looks better and it adds a context menu to Windows Explorer to analyze any folder you select.

@techpops001: I agree. This marketshare is kinda wrong. Every PC you buy this days has IE preinstalled whether you like or not. And people that don't really know that there are other (better) browsers out there will keep IE, and I pressume is a lot of people. This also has to do with the fact that many companies use

@john144001: Yeah, that would make more sense to me.

Deru deru .. deru deru deeru. Deru deru deru deru deru deruuuuu. GO GO GO GO GO

Man, you do like to write. Anyways, give an hour to get trough the whole article.

Crappy voice narrator. Didn't believe not a single word. You have to mute the volume to really enjoy the trailer.

Wow, he'll never be caught pants down. That's for sure.

Yeah! I hope they bring the Tanaka Bros. along.

Ahh, Mr. Sakaguchi. I hope you remenber how the Playstation embraced you and bring joy back to us, PS3 owners, I really do. You are the MAN behind the origins of Final Fantasy, so I do know you will chose that platform well. Please, don't make me get a XBOX 360. Make it at least for the PC.

The moment I saw this guy I knew he had something to do with Final Fantasy. He represents himself on his designs.

So, what about the YouTube downloaders?

What's a EMP?

Really? MSConfig on second? Really really?

The installer didn't work a my Win 7 machine. Still waiting for a solution.

Vote: Autoruns