so how much did they pay to kick out everyone else?
so how much did they pay to kick out everyone else?
send his sorry ass to russia where he will fit in.
hotels burn. just saying.
slavs are not white people
hmm he looks slavic
So who is his connected daddy?
Your mother is a whore. She sucks all the cocks. Even pig cocks.
Yeah she has sucked many a black cock.
All deck, no skill.
In my experience it’s the husband paying for it to keep the wife the fuck out the house.
It means the husband bought the wife a store to run to keep her occupied. It doesn’t have to make money. Just keep her the fuck out the house.
I have found by not having any friends my need to check my phone is greatly diminished.
Basic means under 20k.
Who the fuck wants to shift through that mess?
No it isn’t
Stop dating douchebags
Prob a bunch of trump voters who now have an interest in gun control.
Don’t live in texas. It isn’t worth it.