
that face says mommy drank while she was carrying.

yeah but then you are a piece of trash.

They fucking let them take off? I would have impounded that jet.

yeah but hes a fucking liar.

lol no. its based on performance, its worth half what they put it at. thats just a fact.

what a waste

Nobody deserves that.

The city should take the team brand from the owner. He can keep the players.

A ford with history.

Because the price/performance ratio sucked. Even more so today.

You racist?

Well yeah, he’s the CEO. Talking is his only job responsibility. Some of us have work to do.

We? The slave trade was run by certain european countries. Americans were just the end buyers.

So who is this kids rich daddy?

That sounds like rich daddy to me.

Lol bullshit

Guess he wasn’t rich enough.

is chris parnell the new phil hartman?

Like 90% of girls on tinder put that they just want “friends” anyway.

beyonce isnt rich and famous because she can sing well.