
if every student in Madison nailed a repub in the head with their empties, the world would be a better place.

I still remember seeing the occasional Ferrari or Lamborghini on the road when I was a kid, and hoping that it would be me driving it someday. Back then, I had never heard of diminished value. I didn’t think about thick rubber mats, or gas station strangers; I didn’t consider potholes, or driveway angles, or valet

Bite his cock off then

I wish I could afford a Hollywood level trainer

That depends on your family

Your Subaru you mean.

Does he wear toe shoes?

Yeah swimming is much better exercise. And you can swim right up to the bar and get a daiquiri.

I’ll just walk. Humans can do that nearly forever.

you tarded?

jamba juice

some people are into that

This should be taxable. Heavily taxable.

the daily show the night after the 2004 election?