you have to kill them until there are no more left.
you have to kill them until there are no more left.
You voted trump huh
Is the wilson girl the one doing this?
Oh, southern men.
What was your method of finding a guy?
Dear women, stop giving sex to complete assholes. Just stop.
Geese are assholes though
I think being skinny with tight abs is the key. No jiggle possible.
east europe racism is like 1800s america level.
hello hanz
its cane. not can. is you want can, change the spelling.
yeah double plus on this. im guessing an english person came up with the spelling for the indian tribe that live there. . they love to name cities like that.
lol bullshit no open racism. europe tends to be much more nasty.
Im saying the topic of this story is disingenuous.
It’s about body to muscle ratio. Also, less distance to lift.
Black male culture is 90% machismo
She’s extremely short. If a 6-3 guy weighed 100 lbs he would be dead.
Helps being under 5 feet tall
Helps to be like 4 foot 8
we dont tolerate evolutionary biology around these parts.