fuck he knows about the apartment. he’s so fucking scary. i hate him.
Soooo... basically white geekboys are throwing temper tantrums that their preferred media doesn’t reflect them? Huh. Wonder how THAT feels...
Maybe this is more about you than everyone else.
I’m very curious as to what you define as “clean.” Visibly clean? Free of germs? Free of dirt?
“I was always desperate to be loved by a man that I felt like, oh wow, this is him. My desperation got me tricked.”
He does a very good job, he turns from charming to ice cold in a second. Very menacing in this.
Damn...when you’re right, you’re right.
seems rude tbh
It’s true, but it’s also true that she said she stopped wearing makeup because of the unrealistic expectations for appearance that women face, so wearing makeup and pretending you aren’t wearing makeup is just as bad as photoshop and crazy contouring in terms of setting up unreasonable expectations for how women…
but enough about Steve Bannon
Most probably won’t notice. Others will point out that they (pipelines) are safer than other methods. And others will claim a false flag (because doesn’t that seem really common lately).
God, he is a tacky, ineffective little shit.
Is that a dress on Lauren though? It looks a lot like a stylized white jumpsuit with an amazeballs cape.
My two cents is that you have no idea what’s going on in his head. Maybe he’s not over a previous relationship, maybe he’s gay, maybe he’s got an intermittent and borderline apocalyptic threadworm infestation and he had to clench his arse cheeks the whole time you were having sex the last time in case they spooled out…
The saddest thing about Weiner, other than the pain he inflicted on his family, is that he actually had promise as a fire-breathing liberal pol. See, for example, his raging house floor speech about preserving health benefits for 9/11 responders. If he could have kept his id channeled towards politics, we could…
I clicked on this article, did not read it, and immediately headed to the comments for this very reason.
I always look at articles about Marc Jacobs for this very reason, she usually comes thru.
I don’t think Colin Firth has aged particularly well either
Here is the problem with that argument: