
The good die young.

I don’t think anyone is construing it that way. The issue is that his compulsion may interfere with his judgment and he may be allowing his child to witness adult sexual behavior, which is no longer considered appropriate, especially when it is not necessary. A normal person would have cut that off when their kid

Yes, I will accept Dennis Hastert into the running because his grossness was revealed this year.

Jesus, there’s Raumer over in Illinois, Brownback in Kansas, the Michigan governor . . . LOTS of people are worse than Weiner

Texas lieutenant governor Dan Patrick. I don’t even have to listen to what he says, I know as soon as I hear his name whatever follows will be incredibly stupid or harm a lot of people.

Paul LePage, Maine governor, for being totally vile and seemingly impossible to get rid off.

This is a good point. It is coloring my outlook on this. I personally wouldn’t have sex with my kid in the room and I have plenty of rooms in the house to use for privacy. But I also know that there are people in the world and in history that have engaged in sexual behaviors with kids in the room because they didn’t

You had me at Benghazi. *swoon*

Just wait. Somehow this will be Huma’s fault. “Why hasn’t she taken her son and left?” “A good mother would have left the campaign trail and come home.” “Benghazi!”

I...don’t know how to feel about this. When I was like 5, maybe?, and my parents were divorced my dad would often take me to a hotel for his visitation because he lived in a different town and I thought it was fancy to stay in a hotel. At least once that I know of my dad had sex with a woman in the hotel room with me

Exactly. It is alarming for CSA survivors because a lot of abuse starts with the adult acclimating the child to sexual things by stuff like this, that they slowly escalate. Now, for Weiner, given his history of seemingly zero awareness and zero thought for anything but his boner, I don’t think he had any nefarious

Can't say this wouldn't be a natural outcome of his actions. I mean, seriously dude? Was it really necessary to include your son in your perverse nighttime adventures? Also how is he not curled up in shame somewhere? How is he still trading barbs with reporters instead of being on the phone with a therapist? Uuuugh.

Can you imagine being an adult and knowing there exists/seeing a picture of yourself as a child, sleeping next to your dad’s boner? Jesus Christ. The creep factor goes to 11 with this guy.

It's kind of sad how people can't see how they are intertwined.

Oh, have you ever seen the Wire? It’ll really open your eyes

I really don’t think that you can complain about no one discussing the Haitian Handicraft collapse without also making note of the problems with the Namibian mining industry.

But if you read the text of what he wrote he actually used the kid as a lure by coyly saying “oh, someone just crawled into bed with me” and she wrote “really?” and then he sent that gross pic. Fucking nasty.

Sex addiction it’s sex addiction! This has been so disturbing and bringing me back to a long term relationship I had with a sex addict. Recovery is probably on par with food addiction- notoriously hard to overcome because you need food to live. Sex not as vital as food (some might argue otherwise) but sexuality is an

I don’t like the way they put it (that Huma is the one putting her son in a dangerous situation) but this is very close to sexual abuse, if it isn’t already.

At that point, it’s clearly a compulsion or addiction. Huma’s making the right choice, but I still hope Weiner can get himself together for the sake of his son.