
Blech. Sarandon. Rich, white woman wanting revolution that she can watch from another country while she sips on her martini.

You do know Obama - and not trump or palin - has been our president for 8 years? Harvard Law prof?

Imagine the answer W would have made? Trump? Palin?

Do you really not have a computer in your kitchen?

“All the same, Meyers pressed, “You’re going to show up there probably with the third most deleagates,” a.ka. last.”

knew the logo, couldn’t place it.

It’s a crappy mid-western area soda. The Insane Clown Posse and the Juggaloos drink this stuff.

Thinking more RC.

I saw a clip of him on MsNbc this morning where he said he’s not fighting gay marriage, that it’s a settled issue and we need to “move on”, and that he will veto any “religious liberty” laws and he once again admitted to attending a gay wedding. His career in Republican politics is over.

He is like TAB with one of those 1970's pull tops.

And if any of them win, we will be seriously fucked.

He’s holding out for a brokered convention. Since Paul Ryan says he isn’t running, Kasich is banking on the RNC loathing Cruz and wanting to set fire to Trump. He wants to be least-evil of the three evils.

Rumor has it that oompa loompa infusions are his version of “tiger blood”.

I forget that he wasn’t always orange.

Parody implies a level of sophistication that is higher than name-calling and tantrum throwing. Of course he doesn’t understand it, he hasn’t evolved that far yet.

Oh I think he knows. He knows that distinction doesn’t apply in his case.

I love that The Donald doesn’t understand what parody means.