
Maybe if you equip it with some super powerful lasers! Then again, if you had access to super powerful lasers, would you use it to cool your computer or for other things?

Isn't that what some microwaves do anyways right now? :P

You too?

Now playing

I'm a little disappointed that it didn't go more like this:

Aha, that's where you're wrong! This is merely just a prototype. The full version will be able to launch the Stay Puft man and his followers into orbit!

Dude, how the fuck is this calculated? With a stock battery and 4g on, I got 11-12 hours of battery with 4G signal on my Galaxy Nexus. I guess my screen wasn't on 100% of the time, but it was on a good deal of it, constantly texting, facebooking, and being on the web because I was bored at work.

It is slightly annoying, but the only time that it really affects me is when I want to use it as an alarm to wake up... then all I do it hook it up to my speakers.

I haven't had 1 random restart yet, and I got it first thing when it came out.

Yeah, it's skinned android, but skinned android still might run differently on different devices. I was wanting more detail on this specific device.

Yeah, it's skinned android, but skinned android still might run differently on different devices. I was wanting more detail on this specific device.

So, it was obvious that this thing can stream/play video, but being as this is a review, how does the video actually look on this? This is one of the selling points that I'm very interested in... I'm just wanting to know how the picture looks on the screen as well as if there is any lag/stutter in the picture as it

You know when you go to the doctor's office and they have the table with the paper on it... it sounds like it's similar to that. It's on a roller system. When you leave, it automatically rolls to the next unused part

They got down by walking down the cables apparently. I am looking through the pictures on their Livejournal of the trip :)

I completely agree. This is just one of many stories that won't be heard, but yet play such an integral role in this disaster clean up.

I believe that the rule of thumb is that when gender is not known, or encompasses both, that the male orientation is usually used. Not saying this to be belittling to women or that he couldn't have used it, but technically he is not in the wrong.

What's the difference? $150. If you are already stuck in a contract plan or are going into one that you already pay data rates on, then saving $150 initially is a big deal.

ICWYDT... and I 100% approve.

This doesn't exactly have the story, but shows other planes in similar positions

Yeah, I'm grateful as well. I also live in Harvest and I was just watching the large tornado form that hit out there. Just a couple of blocks to a half a mile sooner and my whole subdivision would have been wiped out.

+5 internets to you