
I really enjoy this show and last nights episode was no exception. What is happening in this country is abhorant and I wish that the stupid racist mentality that some folks have would get stamped out already, but apparently that isn’t going to happening anytime soon. 5 years old is a bit young to grasp the situation

I like the artwork and the concept they are going for, but it is unecessarily complicated to install on PC. Beyond that they havent even got the resolutions working correctly so it doesnt ever truly fullscreen. There are other things I dont like such as when you kill another player there is nothing that really

Yeah my buddy was one of the few people who kept his job at Motiga. I guess that Microsoft money didn’t do much for them.

Maybe the NDA is over or they got special persmission? I know they ended the NDA recently for Gigantic.

I feel the same way about the Gigantic Beta. Though it makes me wonder which of them is further along in the process. I haven’t had the chance to try Paragon myself. Have you tried Gigantic at all?

Seriously and while they’re at it, why don’t they sue the NBA, ESPN, FoxSports, etc etc since they are televising this copywritten work without compensation? Wouldn’t you love to watch your favorite team with running around the court with their arms blurred out?

So in regards to the Ammo being scarce, I decided to change my primary fighting style to Melee and its been so effective for me. I picked up a tire iron with a blade attached and I take out Feral ghouls in one swipe and Super Mutants in 3 slashes, when I use VATS it is usually less like 2 hits, 1 if I have the crit

HAHAHAHAHAH This guy, thinks he knows Kotaku’s business model because the secret Blizzard illuminati council whispered to him through his cherrios this morning.

You know I LOVE to play as Nova, but I also love playing nova hunter when she’s on the other team. Nothing is more satisfying then destroying a bad Nova over and over :) I like to use Valla as her W ability will reveal the Stealth characters and once revealed Nova usually doesn’t stand a chance.

It runs well on my 3 year old PC, it’s default settings were Ultra on an AMD FX 8350 processor with a Radeon R9-290 GPU. Not quite the top of the line but the bottom either. Needless to say I was pleased it would run Ultra.

I totally agree with you, like I said I see both sides of the coin. I’m personally never going to go around shooting kids in a game, but the option should be available, especially if it was something that was in the legacy games.

I get both sides of the argument here, but I fall along the same lines as you Patricia. I’m not playing as the scourge of the wasteland going around murdering everyone. I get the whole immersion breaking aspect though, but it is a video game so it’s not always going to be 100% realistic. I for one am enjoying my time

Thank you, my grandma (her sister) was really the most torn up. I felt good that I was able to hook them up on Skype so that they could talk everyday though.

Maybe its just the pink and the heart, but she kind of looks like a smaller Anubarak love bug here.

My great aunt was Sr. Maura O’Donahue, who was a medical missionary of Mary working in 23 different countries in her lifetime. She gave a report where she revealed that the priests in those countries were sexually abusing the nuns because they considered them safe in the era of HIV and AIDS. She wrote about a priest

Don’t forget the teacher in that truly disgusting classroom scene is the one and only Rue McClanahan. I personally love this movie as bad as it is. It was also one the most embarrassing moments of my pre-pubescent life watching the shower scene with my dad sitting next to me.

Jeez I don’t play HotS for a week and everything changes! I guess I’ll have to put Fallout 4 down and get back into the nexus a little more often again!

I really really REALLY hated the end where it said something along the lines of Jim Raynor was never heard from again. That was just a terrible ending. That being said I’ve been playing these games since 1997 when they first came out and of course I got it on launch day and promptly beat it as quickly as possible.


Well hopefully they do something about the matchmaking system in HotS soon, it’s really frustrating as its set up now I’m sure you understand all the reasons why. If they have developed a better matchmaking system for another game it would only make sense to try and implement it in their other games in my opinion.