
It is pretty sad that now if you want to play Sonic, its Nintendo and maybe Playstation that you turn to. I would like to see Sega make a comeback to the US, at least with their arcade games. The new trendy bars are the "Barcades" which is a great novel idea. I love the one near me 16-bit Barcade in Lakewood, OH,

First word I thought of was Ziggeraut!

Now playing

*DING* Your toilet has performed an illegal operation, your Windows 98 Smart home will now be shut down.

I worked at a CompUSA (when those existed) for a few years as the customer service manager. During my time there we had found that there was one person in particular who had a trend of buying items (Always with cash) such as hard drives, video cards, video game systems, etc... then returning them the following week.

I have played all the other version of SSB. I still have my N64 copy in fact, but I've never been spectacularly great at it. It's just fun to play with a couple buddies. Its one of those series that I always look forward to, like Zelda and Mario Kart.

Normally, I consider myself a bit of a Lore Whore, if you will but Dragon Age has such a vast amount of read-only lore that I am just not getting the whole story. My PC loads the game up faster than I can read about 2 or 3 sentences. So I'll agree with the TMI Award for this game.

I've wanted the Wii U since they gave a release date for Mario Kart 8, but unfortunately I'm just too poor to afford it. I haven't even had a chance to play it yet, but I'm sure it would be on my top games of the year if I could. I've heard almost nothing bad about the game.

I read this post yesterday and have since watched the entire series. The rapey scenes were just plain awkward. Especially the one where Izumi realizes he is in love with Ryouma, when he's about to be raped by three guys in that alley/construction site. I guess 1 rapist is better than 3, especially when he's the

I've been using my LCD TV as my primary monitor since I got it, but it doesn't hold a candle to the view field extending beyond the HUD I see in your photo. That is pretty amazing looking, though for the price tag I'll stick with my TV, it works just great. :)

I guess I'm confused on how all this works and why everything I comment on is always in Pending Approval purgatory forever...

I've been thinking about all the great games I've played in the past, and many of them have far older graphics than System Shock 2. I think the storyline is very important to a great game, but with the graphics quality we can achieve today, I would love to replay old games redone into HD next gen console games. I

If Captain Falcon didn't have SHOWMEYOURBOOBS in his "profile" I'd have thought he was on Grindr!

I've heard of Pewdiepie over the past few months, but never saw any of his videos. I'm more like Kyle where I just want to play the games, I don't really care to watch people play and hear their commentary. I enjoyed him as a character helping to rid the world of CartmanBrah though.

Ariana Grande is a Bratz Doll come to life!

Stories like this make me smile. It reminds me of growing up with my dad, who had an Intellivision 2 when I was born. We quickly were upgraded to the NES and then my parents bought my sister and I the Sega Genesis with Mortal Kombat (they didn't care about the blood or violence). After that my dad really got me into

How does one gain the ability to post onto Kotaku? I see in the screenshots there is a drop down for where your post will go, but I do not have that option. I wanted to share a story, b ut can only post it to my own blog.…

I restarted because I ended up not liking my first character (Elf Mage) so I went to Human Mage. I was happy at first but after a couple hours of play I realized that the colors I set on him were no longer what his coloring was. I gave him Black hair (Its now red) I gave him olive but light skin, he is now the

I read the articles about leaving the Hinterlands before I bought the game, So I had no problem leaving. Now I feel like I have to keep going back to finish up side quests before I can move the story along for some reason.....

Just picked up Dragon Age on that $45 offer. I'm trying not to neglect my friends on the Heroes of the Storm Alpha right now, though its been a couple day.

I'm curious if you stayed in contact with your buddy Jim from Target? This was a great article for any gaming geek, such as myself :)