
But you seen, she WAS a responsible gun owner...right until the point where she had an accident, then she became an irresponsible gun owner. And since she became irresponsible, we can still claim that no responsible gun owner behaves this way.

The logic is flawless! :D

Boom, got 'em!

I've got a friend in Toronto that will fight you to the death if I show her this. She's vicious, watch out ;)

"Part of punishing a child is not to do it at the moment of a transgression, but to wait until that transgression has passed until a more opportune moment arrives, this way the child has no idea why you are behaving the way you are. A perfect example is as follows:
Your young 6 year old daughter mouths off to you.

Society can believe whatever it wants. That doesn't make it factually, or historically correct.

I just invited this picture over to my Facebook for a tea party, and all my insane relatives are speeding over in 5...4...

Sadly, I think the bulk of the responsibility for preventing things like this is going to be on myself and my fellow men to try and not raise the Brians of the world to think the way they do.

Given his history...maybe?

To Jez, every woman in this story, and everyone who has had to deal with this:

Keep fighting.

That's all I have. :(

Are (congressional) Republicans actually just cartoon/bond villains? I'm being 100% serious with that question, what is their problem?

He rhymed 'then' with 'then'.


Oh, thank goodness.

I was worried that Eminem having a young daughter might make him rethink his opinions on women as actual people or the prevalence of male rage as a tool of control. I'm glad to see that being the father to an 18 year old girl who is about to be out on her own surrounded by hormone fueled males

It heard a message on my local NPR hosting channel that said they'd be airing it too, but I don't k ow if that's ALL NPR or just here. :(

Who's going to be last!? That's what I want to know: Which state is going to be That Guy who holds out and fights this to the bitter end? Or which state will try and ignore a federal mandate when the Supreme Court makes their decision? I want to be able to mock that state for the rest of my life.

I was 360 all last generation and because of it, missed out on some good ps3 titles, but I largely think I made the right choice. I jumped ship to the ps4 this generation after the always-online debacle and, while not having Halo leaves a hole on my heart, I am not regretting it either.

When the Supreme Court (hopefully) rules in favor of Gay Marriage, I wonder what their final, dying counterstroke will be? Take away marriage benefits as a whole out of spite? Attack from the side like they are with Anti-abortion laws? ...Corrupt the male half of The Source?

Congratulations, I spent the last 5 minutes cleaning the coffee off my work keyboard.

I'm not sad that I see this joke used so often, I'm sad that this is still so absolutely relevant and accurate.

American religious fundamentalists must have the most shameful erection right now...