
Actually, *some* white people went into defense mode. Given that 249 million Americans identify as white I think the general consensus to the video was no one gave a flying fuck. Don’t believe twitter or the media as representing any one single race of people.

“Revisionist” ????

It’s so poorly done. Why do celebs get terrible tattoos when they can afford to hire the best artists?

Ohhhhh God. That's hideous.

“The beautiful honesty of Atheism I guess.”

LOL. What the fuck does atheism have to do with any of this? Don’t hide behind that shit. You’re just an awful person who is happy someone else died. Disgusting.

I like the part where the story still hasn’t been corrected. Guess that fear isn’t gonna monger itself. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Wait a gawker site failing to report on a story correctly? Where have I seen this one before...

A deranged tyrant who runs a technologically backwards country? Mac is EXACTLY what I’d expect.

no other Democrats running for President gave speeches for the guys who blew up the world economy

lololololol wat

petty food issues you say...

Same here, but at that point I was halfway through and just decided to finish

Well good news, it went nowhere in the end too.

I’m glad I wasn’t the only one.

I think I made it half way into this article before abandoning it because I had no clue where it was going.

you also have places like Brazil where everyone pirates everything because of the ridiculous taxes that make a single game cost over $100 USD.

Games are not a right. You are not entitled to play them. If you can’t afford them, you don’t play them. It’s that simple. I’m not going to steal a Ferrari because $300,000 is a lot to spend on a car and I wouldn’t be able to drive one otherwise.

Maybe I’m old school, but I absolutely detest video journalism. Nothing against your attempt, Mr. Klepek, but I believe it to be an evolution the needs to be un-Darwined. I enjoy Kotaku because it’s one of the few geek sites that still write way more often than they make a video. I would’ve loved to read the article,

Dear Leader, I think I spotted some cake!