My first thought sad that we go there first
My first thought sad that we go there first
There is a list a mile long headed with “Can someone teach Trump how to...” including:
Can someone teach Trump HOW TO SIT ON A GODDDAMN CHAIR?!?
Poor Tim Allen! His show got cancelled after just 6 seasons! ABC never gave Tim and his expensive salary a chance!
The face that launched a thousand furries.
“Undocumented immigrant with anchor baby” - mixed media and shit tons of gold Krylon
Just in case anyone forgot: this is the Alison Bechdel of DYKES TO WATCH OUT FOR.
Yeah... Like sure it’s shitty to get fired... But it’s even worse that after throwing the presidential election for the guy and then be rewarded by being fired. I have very little sympathy for this guy. Lots of sympathy for you know our democracy that his firing is an attempt to murder, but him less so.
Yeah no. I’ll be the obnoxious German person who says: sure, keep the plantations, the market auction platforms, the shackles and huts. Keep the gallows and whips. Make them into museums and commemorative spaces to grieve, respect and remember the victims.
Yes, it’s very important for us as Americans to commemorate the treason against the United States in order to keep human beings as slaves. Because there are Nazi statues all over Germany oh wait
I also asked her to describe Trump in three words and her response was: “Stupid asshole”
Fuck Vin Diesel, I vote Terry Crews
Well it’s clearly not ‘say yes to the bra.’
I wanted her to be president for years! I bought her book as soon as it came out. I set google alert on my phone back in early 2015 to know when she announces. Then in 2016 I quit my job, packed my bags, put my life on hold to move to a new state so I could work on Hillary Clinton’s campaign for 12+ hours / 7 days a…
I was so excited to vote for her. I brought my 7 year old daughter into the booth with me and made her put her hand over mine as I made the mark that voted for HRC. Then I cried for the whole walk back to our house in California, where my vote is worth a fraction of the vote of some racist white guy in Montana. We…
and the fact is we still feel like we HAVE TO ADD “was she perfect?” which, whatever, i’m fucking sick of saying no she wasn’t perfect. nobody prefaces comments about bernie fucking sanders with “was he perfect?” even though it is self evident that nobody is perfect.
i refuse to have to bow down to the anger of fake…
I’m sad for us but happy for her. Psychotic Republicans are no longer threatening to jail her, and she’s not having her name smeared through the mud every damn day. It’s gotta be somewhat of a relief. I hope she’s enjoying the R&R.