
I’m going to admit to a conspiracy. Hilary is the product of one. Like her, I graduated from Wellesley College. It’s not a secret organization, but it’s an elite entity that was founded with the idea that women are entitled to the same opportunties as men and don’t have to ask men’s permission to be powerful and

Gracious in defeat, humble in victory.

I’m crying and I’m not going to apologize for it. I’ve waited a long time for this moment. I’m also in California, and five hours ago I listened to Patricia Arquette give an tear inducing and awe inspiring keynote on women’s equality, pay disparity, women in prison, the rape kit debacle, and her charity that provides

I keep thinking, if you don’t understand why this is important, you’ve never been one of two women in your PhD class of 15. Or one of three women in your cohort at work. Or though, maybe I’d want to do this in my career, and then remembered that 90% of people in that position are men. I cried the whole train ride home

Her speech, with its references to Seneca Falls and all the history that came before, was in perfect tune.

Jesus, no. That’s not what I’m talking about. There is a cultural context here where there is a double standard of men being seen as human in and of themselves, and women being seen as human only in relation to men. Men as people, women as mothers, daughters, wives, sisters, and so on. This is borne out in a million

My niece turns 4 next month. She’s going to turn 12 and be wondering why white men never get to be President.

Haters gonna hate but, when all is said and done, and we are 50 years past this, HRC is going to be on a dollar bill, or some monument, or something. The crap this woman has had to go through to get this far, and the pure gumption and chutzpa she has shown in the face of enormous animosity, sexism, and whatever else

My daughter is almost 9 and she legit thinks that women are not allowed to be president because that must be why we haven’t had one by now. I’m going to let her stay up late tonight and watch.

She also once asked me who the first black president was. I said, Barack Obama, and she said “I know he is one of them, but

I will never be a Clinton fan and I voted for Bernie in the state primary. That said, Bernie,

She has closed it by getting millions of more Democrats to vote for her in the primary. Under no circumstance will Sanders overturn the will of the voters. Even Republicans like Ted Cruz accepted long ago that Trump was going to be the nominee and that the party wouldn’t overturn the will of Republican voters. They

Who gives a shit? Why should she debate Sanders? He lost. It’s over. Should she debate Lincoln Chaffee too?

What’s in it for her now that he can’t win and he’s out of cash? Nothing? Oh, OK, but she should just do it anyway because it might help her hapless opponent? Fuck yourself.

Just because a woman kicked his ass in the primaries is no reason the man can’t pretend to have won.

Because she didn’t. Sanders proposed the debate. She never agreed to it. Bernie doesn’t get to have whatever he wants just by demanding it. That’s not how life works unless you are a toddler.

Yes, let’s debate without the female front-runner and then ironically donate the proceeds to “women’s health issues or something.”

Oooh, I can use this as my excuse for my dog being so chubby.

My best friend and college roommate for three years is a conservative, and was a member of the college Republicans. He was (and is) an exemplary conservative and one whom I wish the party was full of.

“Hope Hicks” is also a key part of the RNC’s voter turnout strategy.

OMG this is awesome.