
that’s why they are rich and you’re an idiot who sold an e39 m5

Hi Jason, I’d love to sit down and have a beer with you and have a more nuanced conversation. If you don’t mind, I’d like to engage for a second while I have your attention—grab a beer. There are two systems we’re talking about here, Autopilot, and FSD, and I’ll end with a note on journalism.

People like Elon Musk are why we have many nice things.

Yes its a composite of 17 images but ALL of them had starlink traces on them. What he wanted was high quality final image by combining all the exposures but he couldn’t do that because the sats ruined his sequence

Thank for posting this, it seems like the author doesn't even know this from the way the article is written.

Stop interfering with the narrative being pushed or back to the grays for you.

Ok, you all realize that that’s a composite image, right? The photographer selected the exposures which had a satellite pass through it and stacked them on top of one another. He could just as easily have selected the ones that didn’t have a satellite.

This idiotic statement comes from the same dude who claims that he can pack a couple of first-stage rocket boosters that can send a ship into orbit and then autonomously land those boosters safely back onto Earth...I haven’t and wouldn’t believe a thing that fraud says.

The thing to understand is, this isn’t a version of the Falcon 9 or anything else. It’s a brand new rocket, using different materials - and moreover, one that they’re failure testing through repeated iterations. They’re deliberately pushing it to failure, to see where/how it failed, and then the future ones will be

Your choice when buying an EV is “support Elon” or “support companies making tons of unacceptably high-emission cars”. I went with the Bolt on price, but let’s not pretend other car companies are perfect actors either.

The “Experts” have been wrong every step of the way. The curves in countries without strict lockdowns look about the same as those that have strict lockdowns. Same is true for US states. Florida for example has been way less strict that most states, and is in fact doing better than most. The true fatality rate of this

It’s impossible to switch back to using steam. The entire ship is designed to use EMALS. There’s EMALS equipment and cabling all over the ship, and none of the equipment it would need to use steam catapults. Switching back to steam would require a complete retrofit. President Trump demanded that they switch back to

Yes, they have show rooms for you to look at and sit in their vehicles. They also have computers and will help you put your order in for the vehicle, but it’s no different than you doing that on your own computer. So there’s no salespeople, finance people (not sure how exactly you finance a Tesla, I know you can do it

The American method of car buying is to have hundreds of cars on the lot to choose from to take home RIGHT NOW.

I don’t get the simultaneous pro-dealer and anti-dealer sentiments on this site. Clearly, Jalopnik is pro-dealer when it involves Tesla, but anti-dealer in all other regards.

He holds three citizenships so could be American, South Aftrican, or the worst thing of all...

Ok pedo guy

Totally agree! Talk about an Elon hater. So annoying when "writers" have no integrity and can't just report what happened. Get over yourself Matt Novak.

Anyone could’ve hit that, and it’s not a pylon it’s a cone in the parking lot of the restaurant. You’re making a mountain out of a mole hill. Someone should take your press pass