
So that his account would become another soulless entity? Should we not be asking what SEC was doing when real fraud (Bernie Madoff, 2008, Elizabeth Homes etc) was happening. Why none of the short sellers have been warned?

Ya, you know that making a Car and rocket company is the best way to make money? Right?

By all measures, Musk is saving the world. You may not like that, but that doesn’t change the facts (unless you are Donald Trump).

Can you name another person in current generation who has done more for humanities future?

Again, I have nothing against Paternity leave. Us workers want “maximum” leaves we can get. But a person in the executive position, who gets paid big bucks generally has more demands on his time.

Why? An executive is not the same as a line worker. When a person is responsible for millions of dollars and 100's of people, remaining accessible is critical.
This is why executives are paid big bucks. The level of responsibility and commitment is NOT the same.
If Musk has a kid, do you think it’s acceptable for him

There is a reason we fanboys defend Musk and not Jeff Bezos. We love humanity and thus appreciate a person who is doing so much to change the course of civilization.
For eg: Calling a diver Pedo...check any news article, do they say that “diver” first abused Musk? No, they do not.
Lot of “twitter” issues are in the

WOW. Your article is an absolute disgrace. Do you know that:
- Tesla is currently trading at “all time high”.

Actually, their hardware is already ready as its based on tried and tested Dragon architecture, but NASA is being anal retentive with documentation. Space X can fly in November if needed.

Considering Maximum Bob was part of the team leading Gm to bankruptcy, I am not convinced. And he believes Global Warming is Hoax, something 99% of scientists agree.

Really? is Mulally really great considering all the “sold off assets” : Volvo, JLR, Aston Martin combined are worth more than Ford?
Or currently, Ford is essentially a truck maker who is becoming 1 market player?
Or Ford lags behind in Autonomy and EV, both of which are critical for the future?

When your guest speaks ill of you in public? In every culture across the world, this behavior is considered despicable.

However, I don’t see anyone here objecting to this because they are being “entertained”.

I guess Americans only respect leaders who screw them openly. 

People are so concerned about “shareholders” and “profits”, but there is no mention of societal good Tesla is doing. Of its impact in moving the industry to BEV and Renewables.
Of a Man’s heroic effort to move Humanity from its path to perdition.

If “profit” is the only measure, that what is wrong with “Drug cartels”?

I think people who think Elon is “soft” are not giving credit to the pressure he has put himself in. Every human has a breaking point, its a well known medical fact.
99% remains well within its limits. Elon, has gone past the edge for a long time. Of course, he is close to Breaking. To equate that to weakness is simply

Oh, that would imply Tesla having the worst cust. satisfaction scores. So how are their CSAT scores lately? what does CR think?

You are privileged to be born as a human, so you can exploit the whole world. Does this mean you should hate all humanity?
Our circumstances of birth are god’s grace. Its what we have done without life - like building a reusable rocket and making sustainable transport possible, is why people adore Musk.

By the same metric, any male just 40 years ago would have been a monster. Any male in 80% of the world are evil. His wife had unlimited luxury & still, she was unhappy.

Mr Skeptic has been proved wrong many times, but he still kept attacking Tesla. Its amazing how entitled people feel. If you are going to attack a for 2+ years, continuously, leading to impact on its expect a retribution.

Ya, he has only built a company building most powerful rockets in the world, and launching more than any national govt.
He has only shown the world that EV’s can be sexy and built the biggest battery factory in the world.

Which people said the solution wouldn’t work? Actual Dive team Chief, best engineers in the world? Or local politicians?
Its important to see “what” kind of people are criticising you?

Actually, you can useNASA’s Kilopowerportable reactor developed last year (weighs 250 KG), put it in Tesla and use it to charge battery.