
3 reasons:

While Ledecky’s feats are astonishing at this point, I’m just bracing myself for the doping shoe to drop. Just the margins she’s winning by seems ridiculous. Hope I’m wrong, but I guess time will tell.

Bullshit. I don’t have to respect a culture that demeans other humans and treats them as chattel. GTFO with that shit.

“If I’m going to err, I’m going to err on the side of life,” he said.

I’m a Democrat, so take this with a grain of salt: worst case, Hillary continues the status quo; nothing changes. Worst case with Trump is global catastrophe. And that’s not hyperbole. I’m genuinely concerned and even scared about Trump being POTUS and some foreign leader saying s something “mean”. He is mentally

HILLARY WILL NOT NUKE PEOPLE. For the love of God. Do not sit anything out. I don’t care if you don’t like her, Trump will get this country fucked.

All of this sounds like more of an issue with you than with Jonah Hill.

It’s the other way around. Take your chances with her than Trump. Hillary is not perfect, and is a lying sack of shit politician, just like all politicians.

For all the people who need an explanation on why “All lives matter” is racist: It is a direct refutation of the Black Lives Matter protest movement, which is not claiming black supremacy, but instead an implicit acknowledgment that black lives (also) matter.

Fans don’t understand free agency because the money that could’ve been spent on educating them and giving them critical thinking skills was spent on building arenas for their favorite teams instead.

Please stop saying “PKs.” They are called penalties. Fans in every other country on earth call them penalties. Loudmouth USMNT shills on terrible US broadcasts call them PKs. There is no need to nickname them — it certainly won’t help broaden the US audience. It’s a dreadful American affectation that needs to die a

Yes please hate liberals, I certainly want my wife to die because she can’t get an abortion, because birth control was banned. It’s a 2 way street. Either make it work or continue whining and not vote.

Say that again as the Pound drops in value, the Euro drops in value, and Scotland and Northern Ireland break away. Business is about to be very bad in what is left of the UK. This was done for racist and xenophobic reasons, not economic ones. Thankfully Parliament still has to pass the damned thing, so there is hope

Obviously it’s a bit of a stretch. Though it’s not like there isn’t loads of stats to back it up..

Nope, it’s true. Racist old people.

This is such a bad move, I’m so ashamed of my country. This move shows how hate can motivate people to make stupid decisions. Please remember that very nearly half of us didn't make this decision. I feel sick...

At that point in the Federation’s history, I don’t think a single captain or admiral hadn’t violated the prime directive at least a dozen times. But she generally tried to follow it a lot better then Kirk ever did, though whether her or Picard did better maybe debatable.

There’s a market for it or Boeing wouldn’t bother designing it so what’s the problem? They sell a few more Dreamliners, someone gets their pimped out air pad, and Boeing’s workers get 1 more tick mark in the job security column.

Why don’t they just circulate the real story of Dennis Hastert raping boys right here at home?