
Aging relic of the Cold War that would be no use in an actual war.

He’s tied or leading in the latest polls, what the hell are you smoking? He’s leading in Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, and closing in on Virgina which would give him enough to win. So suck on that and smoke it

Why the hell are you allowed to comment on deadspin? Who are you?

2000 and 2003 were great seasons, what the hell are you talking about? Even 2001 had good racing. Only 2002 and 2004 were Ferrari runaway seasons.

Cardinals will win the World Series and Trump will win the election. Reply with your paypal info and I’ll give you $5 if that doesn’t happen.

You better get used to him, because you’re going to be seeing a lot of him for the next 4-8 years.

I bet you never heard of Prost or Senna before the documentary.

Sorry, libtard, he’s going to win. Even Nate Silver is starting to think so.

Nate Silver agrees with him.

Run for office. Change things using the system.

Africans were the first to bring slaves to North America.

White people also get their name’s used as verbs. You just don’t care about the injustice they experience on a daily basis.

You’re just mad that Trump is going to win and Brooks is starting to sing his tune, like many of the so-called nevertrumps will soon be doing.

Nate Silver just called the election for Trump. Sorry, liberals.

Have you ever urinated during a race?

Imagine what will happen to your health when he wins.

You admit that you are not a Star Trek fan. I win. That’s called the Archer manoeuvre.

You’re just a TNG fan, not a real Star Trek fan. A real Star Trek fan would never pirate.

Or you could just buy a new harddrive. But you clearly hate spending money, I bet you supported Bernie and are voting third party.

It’s not my fault you don’t have a bigger harddrive. It’s 2016, dude. Trump is about to win, why don’t you have more harddrive space?