
For people unfamiliar with GeorgeGeoffersonLives, here’s his true self:

This isn’t Gawker. Stop with this silly NAMBLA crap. It ain’t going anywhere, no one is talking about it, and it will never be an issue that voters give a shit about. Just. Stop. It.

Why is he in hell? He’s likely the next Vice President:

Why isn’t he working for the Trump campaign?

Things initially worked out well for Germany after electing Hitler.

Please not HamNo.

Reagan fired his campaign manager and went on to win in a landslide.

Did you hear his speech last night? He’s trying to win. You should be scared.

It’s the 21st century: No high performance car should have a manual gearbox.

And so begins the resurgence of the Trump campaign. It’s amazing that people actually think that Clinton has won the election in August.

It’s only August 18. Just a few weeks ago he was tied or leading with Clinton in the polls. And, in polls that include Stein and Johnson, that is still the case.

I bet you’re a Trump supporter.

She could afford to give a lot more.

Yes, and in the process he damaged the wreck.

Preach it, brother! If she were Russian, just imagine the articles the HACKS at DEADspin would be writing!

And people seriously think only the Russians are cheating?

Sweden was neutral during WW1.

Hottake: Senna was nearly forgotten outside of Brazil before the