Careful. Most Jalopnik commenters support that orange turd.
Careful. Most Jalopnik commenters support that orange turd.
With Trump currently looking at getting at least 70% of the white vote, Clinton really had no choice. You can’t win with just minorities and the females.
James May wrote an entire book on how to do this. If James frelling May can land a modern airliner, I think anyone can do it, eh?
Formula 1 needs to be on that list.
Hot take: Pagani is overrated and has been for at least 10 years now. They have not done anything innovative since Schumacher last won a grand prix. Ponder that.
I mean do we call Harrison Ford a former carpenter?
I’ll grant you early TNG, but your TOS examples are all from season 3 so you can’t blame Gene for them.
No, being a womanizer is part of Kirk’s character.
McCoy’s divorced in the new film series. Chekov was added to TOS to attract more young women to the show, so making him gay would be a complete betrayal of his purpose in Star Trek.
They are all overrated crap made to stupefy the proletariat.
We don’t come to Deadspin for politics.
“ Most of us read Jalopnik to get away from politics.”
You must be white and male.
Lasagna is disgusting.
I despise pasta. The texture is fucking disgusting, how can anyone stand it?
I wish that intruder had been armed.
People have been killed for less, whitey.
And if you had missed your swing and they had beat you to death? Guns are the safer option. Of course, libtards like you don’t care about human life other than your own.
You sound like someone that shouldn’t own a car. Maybe try shooting a gun, you pussy?