
My opinion on Cheadle’s TV work is probably bleeding into my assessment too. But for me it’s also that I can’t remember ever really disliking a movie he was in. Maybe if I rewatched Crash I’d feel differently, but I liked it well enough when it came out.

That’s fair. I was thinking more “members of the team known as The Avengers” So I wouldn’t have included anyone from the Guardians movies (not that I think anyone qualifies) or, say, Anthony Hopkins from the Thor movies.

I think you’re ranking Downey lower than I would, but it’d all come down to exactly how you measure. Best 5 vs Best 5, average quality, ratio of good to bad...whatever.

I’m agree with the fact that Tom gets unwarranted hate as if he were committing wonton acts of usury.

This was exactly what I needed today, thanks.

The conspiracy question reminded me of:

Now playing

I’m just going to link The Onion’s review of Coco because I’m chuckling to myself just remembering it.

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Now all I can think about is David Mitchell’s MENSA rant:

Speaking of Watch This, where is it? It feels like it got unceremoniously dropped along the way.

Has anyone every asked Blythe Danner about Goop?

She was the rare SNL star who could work with whatever material she was given...

According to my copy of the OED, since 1949.

Musicals were a big part of my childhood. I grew up in a theatrical household, cast-recordings is what we listened to on car trips — Annie Get Your Gun was my favorite, my dad liked Gypsy more — but Andrew Lloyd-Weber was always a 4-letter-word in our house. Pop’s review of Miss Saigon: 3 hours of shlock just to get

I actually watched Tomb Raider last week. It was better than I thought it’d be — coherent and fun. The most awkward part of the movie was the sequel-bait ending where she finally “looks like Lara Croft” (pictured in the article header).

“foregone conclusions and easily Googleable facts”

I’m know I’m looking forward to Lindsay’s part 2.

I would describe the CGI as just serviceable and very creepy.

I’ve never been a fan of Lindelof and don’t plan on watching this show, but it’s hard to disagree with him given the existence of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.