Huh, I had no idea Fanboys was Cline’s. I remember it as being a fun idea but too disorganized/loose to be any good. A type of low-polish comedy you don’t see much of any more.
Huh, I had no idea Fanboys was Cline’s. I remember it as being a fun idea but too disorganized/loose to be any good. A type of low-polish comedy you don’t see much of any more.
You should check back. I don’t think the review for the second episode was posted when the article was first published. But it’s there now and Mark’s gender is certainly discussed.
it could be because you’ve found yourself watching late-night TV and stumbled on something called Comics Unleashed
No they did not, specifically Obama’s campaign:
I agree that this was not a breach and we do a disservice to those trying to prevent breaches when it’s categorized as one. But what CA did was wrong, they misrepresented themselves and their quiz and then violated their agreements with Facebook when they used the data for non-approved purposes. And Facebook…
I was thinking Pryor and Wilder.
Is it too much to ask to have an recording of Daniel Stern reading the statement?
I remember very little of that movie, but one thing that stuck was the idea that humans won the last encounter purely on luck. All the military build up afterwards was in the interest of uniting the world because, if the aliens every came back, no amount of preparation would bring us up to technological parity.
Call me crazy, but I thought it was AV Club editorial policy to only start headlines with “RIP” if they are actual death announcments/obits. And to use some form of “died”, “shuffled off” or some other euphemism for metaphorical deaths.
Thor is another title I’m way behind on. I should catch up.
Who is this fucking grandma whose toddlers only watch live TV and what century is she living in?
I’ve never heard of Them, so I was trying to figure out what sort of warped interpretation of the Them! you’d come up with before I just googled it. After reading about it, I think I’ll stick with my giant ants.
Something I’ve mused about to myself is that I have no idea how I’d cast Leto II. Just even asking what age should the actor be stumps me.
As I recall the book’s in 3 parts, where the first part ends when they join up with the Fremen after escaping; the second is Paul’s rise to power within the Fremen; and the third is toppling the Empire.
Something went wrong with your link, it just took a quote and url-encoded it:
Plenty of genuine yakuza movies (including Takashi Miike’s insane Yakuza Apocalypse—admittedly not representative—and Kinji Fukasaku’s epic Battles Without Honor Or Humanity) are available for streaming. Do yourself a big favor and find one of those.
This sounds like a snore, but the description of assisting seppuku in prison reminds me of one of my favorite Yakuza films: