
You do know that vast majority of women who work don’t have the luxury of taking off a “solidarity” day. Most of us can’t take off 4 hours of sick time, let alone time for frivolous observations of other people’s labor. This has got to be one of the most privileged tone deaf pieces I have ever read on Jezebel. Just

I’ve always preferred drag kings to drag queens. I think society is more comfortable with seeing femininity as performative, but turning a spotlight on masculinity and making it performative can make people uncomfortable - it forces people to question how much of masculinity is innate “being a real men” and how much

There it is, just for you: “Lesbian identities have always been sidelined...we’ve always slid under the radar,” Julia Applegate says. “I don’t think people are as interested in what women do, period. I don’t think we’re as interesting to people because we’re not as valued.” 

Did you know he’s going to star as Crowley in the miniseries version of Good Omens, along with Michael Sheen as Aziraphale????

This Saturday, assuming he makes it that long I have to say goodbye to my sweet bo who I have had for 14 years. He’s at least 17 and it’s time but it sucks.

She is the GOAT when it comes to the game. The bad stuff doesn’t stick to her and the good is plied so skillfully. I don’t care one way or another about her acting skills, but I just adore watching her play the Hollywood/press game.

Jennifer Garner doesn’t get enough credit for playing the game. In one post she reminded people she’s single (on a night where she looked spectacular), promoted two of her projects, and showed that she can laugh at herself, making her super relatable. Ben Affleck never deserved her.

Yes, that kills me. Just do it in the order of the picture. And have them always appear above OR below the image (not some people listed above and then a random mention below). It’s a simple ask that would make me oh-so happy!

Or at least put the names/descriptions in the order that the photos are in.

i love these fashion run-downs but i think the format is really difficult. it would be better with a small blurb after every photo, rather than blocks of pictures and text. it makes it hard to follow.

I feel like male actors get to make a LOT more than 2 critically meh/financially unsuccessful movies before people start questioning whether their careers are over or ruined. Especially if that actor’s resume includes being the lead in a successful franchise and an Oscar win (among three other nominations). Jennifer

ASDFGHJKL He looks like if he could speak, it would be in riddles.

And I JUST adopted this big dope:

Swimming in mud and then rolling in sand is her top #1 activity for spring, summer and fall!

The dog park I go to has a pond that the dogs can swim in during the summer, but I usually have to hose my guy down afterwards because it’s so muddy. The one day I didn’t feel like bathing him, so I kept him over in the non-lake fenced-in area. He ran off with some other dogs into the woods and came back to me about

My dog got voted Dog of the Month at her daycare in January. I was legit more proud than if I myself has won a beauty contest. (Seriously there’s no one can resist this cuteness):

Team parrot giving you both some side eye.

Persephone, a.k.a. “Princess Fluffyfoot”.
I’m the manliest of men.

Team Dog b lookin at u like