
I loved that moment in the documentary because you see three different experiences of grief, across three generations. Her grandmother seems to have come to terms with Joanne’s death, perhaps because in her old age, as a Catholic, she feels like she is close to seeing Joanne again, and she seems somewhat surprised by

Oh, man. The Left Hand of Darkness and The Dispossessed: An Ambiguous Utopia totally shaped my ethics when a friend recommended me them as a teenager. I am a totally different person because of them. I was blown away that she was the same author of The Wizard of Earthsea, a book I had loved as a child. Her range and

I’ll add to that by saying the when you insult men by attacking their masculinity (which is what is happening when you make fun of a small penis) then you are encouraging them to lean in to macho, shitty, antics because you literally just told them they are not “manly” enough.
I’m not defending this guy, or guys that

Okay then, so I’ll be the killjoy who points out that this is body shaming and there’s a litany of other wonderful insults that aren’t.

I’m from New England and we didn’t call them “hoagies.” I’ve heard “hoagie” in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.

It would be another interesting study of regional terminology to see what parts of the country call Pennsylvania and New Jersey “New England.”

I will say that I heartily approve of what looks to me like mozzarella sticks inside the sandwich. That’s using your brain right there.

That’s all well and good but that hoagie in the pic looks like it’s diseased. What’s that black thing on the left hand side, an olive?

She was fine, but flying through space with the force was, how do I put this politely, very stupid.

Now I want the medical droids to be redubbed by Zoidberg!

“She died of broken heart. No, wait. Broken cervical vertebrae. Me always get those two confused!”

You can’t tell because of the way Millie is holding it, but this dress is open on the sides. She stood like this a lot last night because she was afraid of showing her boobs off to everyone. I’d like to meet the designer and stylist who chose this for her and just didn’t sew up the sides of the dress.

I wholeheartedly support the wearing of chucks on red carpets

None of the people I’ve ever heard call Jane Fonda “Hanoi Jane” were veterans.

I watched the Vietnam documentary with my Vietnam vet dad and when the topic of “Hanoi Jane” came up he quickly said “oh who cares.”

Btw Jezzies don’t pull this account out the greys. It’s a new resident troll who’s been posting deliberately contradictory comments the last few days or so and keeps getting pulled out by unaware users.


Holding funding for our troops hostage? Hmmm ... where have I seen that before?