Arch Duke Maxyenko, Shit Talk Extraordinaire

No, but I’ll give it a go.

Great, well throw these assholes onto the no-fly list too then.

Aren’t these the cars that were stopping for stop signs on billboards and slowing for full moons thinking that they were traffic control devices for the roads the cars were on?!

If you don’t want to wear a mask, don’t fly, jump in your car and drive.

The only surprise is that Rand Paul isn’t on the list.

“Mike Lee (Utah)“. No surprise here. That dude is a chode and a total crony to the more nutty parts of the party.

You could avoid a lot of ‘boring’ endings in sports if you changed the rules as you go.

I don’t think people wanted it to end under yellow. But why the hell did Masi take forever to decide to let lapped cars pass? If he had decided that earlier, people would have had less qualms with it.

Sulayem said direct radio contact to the race director would “be removed in order to protect the race director from any pressure and allow him to take decisions peacefully.”

Musk needs to be held accountable for manipulating the market, as well as his other many shitty, shitty actions.

“Elon Musk hates government regulation and yet his company keeps offering the best argument for it.”

Does David have any siblings? He is absolutely a perfect fit for the crazy uncle that takes his Niece/Nephew to ill-advised activities. Like having them turn a wrench within a 4 ton pile of rusted metal formerly assembled by AMC. Simultaneously giving the parents an ulcer and teaching the kids valuable life lessons.

I too feel on fire when I have too much Cayenne

Nine eleven, nine eleven, nine eleven, niiiine eleven

I like that you’re here and there (the other lopnik). I’m not sure I want to break-up w/ the community. I’ll just have to drop something w/out a community like motorauthority in my daily rotation.

Somewhere, deep within the steel and concrete labyrinth that is Troy Michigan’s Zoning and Housing annex (Inspections and Enforcement wing), a grizzled man slumps into his chair. Tracy, D. - case file TM - 18-22/JP-Fe2-O3 had meant so... so damn much to him.

For those that want to keep following these dingleberries

I’m sure there are going to be a lot of people in the comments saying things like, “That’s it, I’m out of here! I’m never reading this site again!” First, grow up. Millions of people read this site, if you want to stop, go with god.

Or they could pay their taxes... and say they paid $x billion in taxes and detail what that supports (education, healthcare, us defense, etc.)