This song seems perfect for this ad
This song seems perfect for this ad
Fuck yeah
‘Stones, Yokes, BFG’s
It had a bleed screw, yes, but you have to raise the front end up so the bleed screw was higher than the heater core otherwise all of the air ends up there. Even then it was still basically a two person job.
Musk was also part of the Trump transition team, so yeah, there’s that
I’m single and work my stick daily.
It’s cool and all, but I’d rather have a Meyers Manx built by Rod Emory for that price point
My old E36 watching this
I was wondering when you were going to cover this Skoda.
SAFER barriers were developed for Indycars
I don’t know why more tracks don’t use the SAFER barriers.
If GM and Ford were to come out and say that together they would work on building a monorail to Mars the stocks would go to the moon.
Google maps fucked it up but it’s close enough.
My trip last year but fully drive the Dragon Slayer into Virginia and spend the night at Cumberland Falls unlike my rush to get it all done in 2 days
Pills and 2 tiny drinks definitely can though
Ohio Man became Philly Man on his way to become Florida Man
No, he’s got Ferat Vampire, which is definitely always the right car.