
Don’t worry about the republican party and the black vote, it ain’t gonna happen. The real problem is Black folks getting tired of the Democratic party continuing to take us for granted, so we’re now moving to a more independent stance, which is where the Green Party and Dr Cornel West comes in. About now the Black

Very intentional and very very specific.

They’re probably drug users who hate taxes. That’s all a libertarian is today.

Christ, I just watched an interview with this guy. They played a clip from an earlier rally where he was saying “he doesn’t believe white supremacists exist.” Calling them a “unicorn.” And then when confronted about the recent Florida shooting, which was 100% committed b/c of racism, he got all huffy and kept talking

Dumb fuck.

Unfortunately your are closer associated to him then anyone else on this site 

Breitbarts calling.

DJ don’t pay any mind to the entrapments laid out by our local curmudgeons. They’ve cornered the market on the use of verbiage to get one to seem 🤔 dumber than they can be. You are exactly right in your assessments of who does what for whatever reason. These clowns around here are forever dancing the “So wottabout

I keep saying we’re under attack and it’s more than just violent racist threats and acts. We must always connect the dots: Affirmative Action, Voting Rights, anti-Black & fascist country music, the denial & erasure of our history, the promotion & rewarding of bigots on Fox News, the embrace of MAGA politicians like

Here’s the real shit:

Republicans want us to live in the United States of Do What We Say. Fuck that shit, our country was founded on your ass having to consult me before you make unilateral decisions about what my life is gonna be like.

I do not see a lot of news reports about Trumpists getting shot over their TRUMP

Asshole is giant asshole. No surprise.

I want to write a song entitled “Shut up and top blaming everyone else for your problems you stupid redneck.”

Back in the ‘30s during the great depression, people pulled up stakes and left, en masse, when jobs and opportunities dried up. Heck, during the colonization of the US, millions and millions of Europeans in particular emigrated, looking for greater fortunes stealing land from the natives and whatnot. (Then there were

They’re not on Welfare.

Richmond is only 40% white . . .

You left out that he thinks Juneteenth is a redundant, unnecessary holiday as we already have MLK and Presidents Day. He is a racist dipshit that doesn’t seem to understand that the people he’s catering to will never vote for him as their presidential candidate because, at the end of the day, to them, he’s a

An upper-caste Hindu man holding appalling worldviews is also backing the party famous for its appalling worldviews? I’m shocked. Shocked I tell you.

Jesus. The only thing worse than white libertarians is Indian libertarians who want to be white. They try and overcompensate.

Does anyone else think he may be a Hindu nationalist and a racist?

Personally, I’m worried about any fascist with a platform.