
They’ll throw their money behind anyone. If a Sikh born convert to Christianity looks like a good opportunity to get a toe hold or a friendly ear in American politics, they’ll jump on it. See Aruna Miller, Lt. Governor of Maryland (married to a white Jewish man). See what they tried with Kamala.

Good to see somebody is paying attention.

When it seems as there’s a pile on of “virtue signaling ‘saints’” castigating a man for a very human moment(& failing) because it “airs our dirty laundry” or “looks bad” in front of people both within and outside the audience in attendance who’ve probably done & continue to do far worse?

Nope. Nimrata Randhawa Haley, ABCD(“American Born Confused Desi.”) All Hail the NEW “model minority!”

Same. The Black Celebrity Class...aka, the “Black Glitteratti?!” Yeah, many if not MOST of them failed us years ago. We used to have Paul Robeson, Nina Simone, and (fortunately) STILL have Harry Belafonte. Now...?!

Whatever. Should Will have sternly stepped up and had “harsh words” for Chris either behind the curtains or in public? Probably.

White Adjacents will.... SURPRISE..”white adjacent!”

“Respectability Politics” on full display in some of the comments here.🙄

And, I GOT YOU, BABE! 😉😚

“Toby, uh CHRIS (& his whole worthless family) be GOOD N!&&@$.” Been a good n—- for decades because New York and Hollywood white folks prefer him over Eddie (much less Richard or Paul Mooney!)


Devil Dinosaur’s been around since the ‘70s(he once shared a comic with none other than Godzilla.) I’m intrigued by where Disney is going with this!

Florida 🙄. This tracks. DeSantis threatening to make the “Sunshine State” the “penis shaped Magnolia State East” by not only deep sixing AP Black History studies but ALL AP classes statewide. 🔁 Tracks again! The offending preschool’s owner & director is Patricia Vitale. Not certain but pretty sure Vitale is a

You’re more than welcome.✊🏿❤️

—”[DeSantis] recentlycently threatened to drop ALL AP classes in Florida.”—

Nah, Nikki’s running for president. Not saying this guy,’s a Machiavellian genius by any means but it’s possible he & the Colorado GOP(state & local) are hedging their bets for 2024. Don’t want to miss any opportunity to snuggle up to the “future of the Party” (& Silicone Valley)once the quiet part out loud Trumpistas


Real World Consequences:

Why the fuck are white folks, their “chosen kneegrows”(looking at you, Larry Elder &  Mr. Island whatever on Twitter) & any white adjacents that want to chime in “mad?!”

The mortal remains.☠️