
And who are you again, McFlinty?!

And in the end, you'll STILL be a DUMBFUCK who lurks on social media comments sections pertaining to Black people... because you don't have a fucking life.


Nigga, I don’t know who the fuck you think you’re talking to. You must have me confused with one of those grey motherfuckers you pass love notes to on here! I’M BLACK! So you can take that whole “you white motherfuckers” bullshit split it in half smoke it in your pipe, grease the other half on the head of an 8" dildo…

#BlackTwitter and Black folks aren't the ONLY ones who "keep receipts." Years ago I heard some Irish from Ireland say the same thing.

The hashtag is more for the “Plastic Paddy” class on this of the pond. 3-7 generations removed from Eire, only really showing their Shamrock Pride every March 17th (or at a Celtics game or whenever a Black guy is the new rookie at the firehouse or whenever a Black family moves into “the neighborhood”. Or showing up in…

Mostly HB1 visa applicants. But they’re quick to throw in the old song and dance if it ever comes up in “polite conversation” as to why(in addition to why is there a liquor store on EVERY block in the Black Community) pretty much every liquor store in the Black Community is owned and operated increasingly by people of…

13th Amendment. Regarding the naturalized state of citizenship of all those born in these United States. Means if your born here, your a citizen. Pertains particularly to ME AND MINE since many of are multiple generations into being born on “US soil” (Which means, you dumb Paddy, when your lice & scabies infested…

Y’know you could lend a hand too. If all of us “little people” pitch in there’d be a lot less heavy lifting for the compassionate celebrities, politicians, rulers, and such to do because there’s MORE OF US.

Thanks. I AM a DEMOCRAT. Been voting faithfully since my college days in the 90s.

Just like it's no women's fault you're not getting any.

You get it. 🎯 There are forces out there who prefer to see US fighting each other for the scraps to the umpteenth generation. Talking smack and showing receipts(an old Black tradition) may seem a bit harsh & somewhat ironic but if it takes STERN measures to break the cycle, so be it.

#BlackTwitter frequently does.(As does the Root.)

Human Nature abhors a vacuum.. From our earliest beginning as hunter/gatherers, the biggest strongest, luckiest were deemed “favorite of the gods” & worthy to lead and ultimately rule A certain sunset of the population (mostly white folk) have NEVER really gotten over the fact that feudalism is over & this country…

Dahomey sent royal elites to Brazil and Portugal to ascertain the end results of the slaves the traded to the Portuguese.

Never said that they weren’t.

Sinead should really check her kinfolks in Boston then...(and Nueva York and the Chi... looking at the Daley political crime family.)

But the Black soldiers of the Union blue had MORE SKIN in the game. And the deepest commitment. Freedom that one fights & dies for(for yourselves, your loved ones, your people) tastes a HELLUVA LOT SWEETER than freedom willed into existence by waving a scepter and decreeing some royal edict. Or proclamation. Not to…

Hillary is FINALLY living her best life.

Hitler didn’t break the British Empire.