
I know everyone else is mad about the lack of character interaction.. but my biggest complaint is that when reviewers list out all the characters, they don’t list in them in the correct order.

lmao i literally started a solophilia quest last night

To contrast it even more to FFVI: if you brought certain characters along for the ride they would react to certain characters or story queues.

That’s more or less why I started with Tressa. Also, you don’t often get a chance to play a merchant as a protagonist. I like that she’s idealistic without being an idiot, which is something pretty much all media (and JRPGs in particular) could do with more of, since people too often see the former as a function of

As a black man, when given the option, I always play as a white woman so start with any of the female characters if you ask me.

As someone with a HitRecord account, this is not a big deal. First off, you will most definitely get paid for your work if it is accepted. How it gets accepted was usually determined by people (fellow collaborators) voting on whose artwork or creative submission should be used in the final product.

When I was 15-20, I would have loved this. I’d be ecstatic if my entry was accepted and would spend that $50 (or whatever) in celebration pizza and alcohol.

I dunno, I thought it was pretty cool.

On The Expanse on Wednesday there was a really sick burn by one of the characters about the Leader of Earth, basically saying that he only cares about his popular legacy and only takes issues as seriously as the last person to talk to him. Had it been a janitor he’d be decrying the state of the mops at the UN General

Obviously, they hated Stephen Colbert back in the day too. That said, do you think the set would have been perceived differently if it was a man telling the jokes? Is she being dinged for not playing nice, like a good girl should?


Symmetra is one of my mains the others are Mei, Roadhog and Pharah. I get shit in public for just wearing a Symmetra shirt.

That says a lot all on its own.

If you haven’t tried the splatbrella yet, I highly recommend it!

Okay so if some one is a one-trick to that level, then what’s the problem? They’re more than likely good enough to make up the character’s shortcomings and can probably play that character more diversely (Torb and Sym get a lot of flack it seems, but they’re both very flexible unlike most pure DPS characters like

Also, because I missed this earlier: there actually is something more pathetic: the fact that you made your account specifically to post this “other people are happy, and I’m butthurt because I’m a miserable asshole” comment.

In this case, it’s deserved.

Some people propose in private, and some people make a big public show.

In either case, so long as the person offering the proposal knows their partner well enough to know they’ll be okay with it, it isn’t anyone else’s concern how that goes down.

These two are happy. And their happiness will

Ah yes. Because proposals must only ever take a certain form, in a certain time, using certain words.

These two are happy. You evidently do not approve of the method of their happiness—but, hey, that does nothing to lessen their happiness.

Now, kindly take your acidic cynicism and go curl up in the hole you’ve dug for