2014 is the year of unfinished games. It's really sad.
2014 is the year of unfinished games. It's really sad.
The team that made Xenogears left Square a long time ago. They became Monolith Soft. They've made the Xenosaga games, Xenoblade and are making the Wii U Xenoblade.
Xenogears was weird and amazing.
The World Ends with U2.
I believe it's "The World Ends With You, Too."
I liked chrono cross. *shrug*
Brave Fencer Musashi, too fuckin good
It is a The World Ends With You Sequel, isn't it Square Enix?
I'm getting a Worf vibe from this one.
honestly ive found adding a gif to your posts helps people not track you down and murder you lol
i liked the first one less than the second one and then they were all the same with the pirate thing added which i hate pirates so i bowed out of them. ac was fun. its not fun playing the same thing over and over like that though. imo
"You cannot race inside of players." Well, not on a first date unless you get really lucky.
Not to blow the illusion away, but I had just commented on that same article. =)