
About 5' 10".

If your affection is high enough in Pokemon-Amie, sometimes your Pokemon will refuse to die.

You can consider my fire emblem awakened. ;)

"All shall feel my Squirelly Wrath!!!"

Everyone fanboying one console over another is a gigantic fucking tool lol.

Nah, Blizzard has money.


Why? For wanting to deliver a higher quality product?

I care about the act of argument. That alone is worthy of my presence.

You also insulted his intelligence. You can end things without resorting to sophomoric statements. This isn't high school, ya know.

I've already got a Pokémon stuffed in a cloud.

Ya like daghs?

Yes. I'm going for Froakie, Torchic and Bulbasaur.

Gamestop scamming customers by hiking prices on exclusive product?

I like Beer-battered Fish, but not like this.

"we're VERY successful and we're not going anywhere."