
I’m sure I’ve seen that outfit on Project Runway.

Are we going to have to expand the Bechdel test to include “do they talk about something other than a man or a wedding?”

Same. This has apparently existed for my entire life and I just heard of it for the first time when I saw this headline. Then I saw it on Facebook, too, so I guess it’s real?

I’m pretty sure I’ve seen a lot more interested on social media about National Hot Dog Day, so it’s a stretch to say that this day actually

...which is unfortunately not inconsistent at all. :( (I wish I didn’t know that.)

I think there’s some pink in the glowy parts, though? Pink = lady, right?

I’m glad you didn’t know that existed, because yours is pretty awesome. And now I know that both articles exist! <3

Me, too. I am now ungreyed on all the blogs I don’t really care about commenting on. :( I even have a clever avatar!

Any medical professional who “diagnoses” people they’ve never met should lose their license.

So, no indication that anyone new (not already ungreyed somewhere) is getting ungreyed, ever? *sigh*

The short version: “I am now a feminist because I want other men to respect my property.” Yay!

When a work was used in class that depicted violence, it’s content and purpose was made clear in the syllabus and in the instructor’s introduction in-class.

IIRC, they generally don’t tell the professor why a certain accommodation is needed. There are numerous reasons why a student might need extra testing time. (Needing a sign language interpreter is a bit more obvious, but it’s also the kind of thing that everyone is going to know anyway.)

But if the accommodation that

Thanks, I’d forgotten about that part (maybe because I didn’t want to remember).

In theory that sounds reasonable, and in many cases I think it would work. But with some specific traumas such as sexual assault, I’m not sure how it would play out.

For one thing, in order to get this kind of accommodation, a student would have to report having been sexually assaulted. We all know that in a lot of

I’ll be impressed when it’s 100%.

Yes, I know this isn’t very original.

Yes, but only the Lifehacker ones. Lifehacker was the only main site where was un-greyed, so possibly they’re only doing it for people already un-greyed on the main site?

Argh. I was really, really hoping to get un-greyed somewhere else eventually. Lifehacker is cool, but there’s usually not much going on in the

I just got ungreyed on three different Lifehacker sub-blogs (which I certainly don’t post on regularly, definitely haven’t posted on recently, and may not have posted on ever). Something is definitely going on.

Yes! It’s definitely associated with the comment section. (Sometimes I can read and look at comments for a while before this happens, and sometimes I can’t. But it never happens outside of the comments.) For me, Chrome handles this better than Firefox, but I think it’s still happening (it shuts down the page

Her female costars have a lot more to lose. These guys are scarily organized, and they have literally forced women to flee from their own homes in the past. I can absolutely understand not wanting to attract their attention. I don’t agree with their silence in this case, but I can understand.

Part of why I really wish

There is a group of these guys hanging out on the Internet at all times, looking for targets. They talk to each other.

They picked the new Ghostbuster movie as one of their targets. (You can check out the huge number of negative ratings the movie got before it was even released to see evidence of this. They were really