
Agreed. There is absolutely nothing “whimsical” about how Will Smith speaks in comic roles. In every “comedy” role he’s in he draws on his Fresh Prince persona with a slapstick side of “bad’ass” and it’s not at all what the original Genie was. I’m not asking for a replica of Williams’ performance, but asking that they

Before Ardyn came along, I was convinced Vayne was the best Main-Title FF Villain. Hopefully this game gives him the notoriety he deserves.

The one thing that helped me recently was this stupid question I asked myself about SR. “So what?”. Other than the additional Gold-Weapon points at the end of the season, what’s the real big deal about playing in Silver or playing in Gold (yes, that’s where I am). There’s no tangible benefit, it’s literally just

It’s honestly why I hate the 162 game season. That is a massive sample size, enough to compensate for injuries, flukey streaks, trade turnover and team integration, farm call-ups, etc etc. That by the end of the season we pretty much know exactly who the best team is because they’ve had 162 games to prove it. So to

In my history of “Ooh, that sounds interesting let me add it to my watchlist”, this episode was by far and away the WORST first episode of anything I’d ever seen before that I had been remotely interested in watching. The whole thing is pure garbage with absolutely nothing of interest or substance.

As a fan of Bleach since the earliest days if its manga serialization in the U.S., I am borderline irate that they went this direction with the movie. To me it’s ultimate proof that the series turned out to be a failure (despite my hopes and likes for it nonetheless). I read the manga faithfully to the last chapter,

Sorry I wasn’t talking about people with a real disorder, because the article seemed to be using the word more in its informal dictionary-sense than personality-disorder sense. And so my comment wasn’t intended to be a blanket statement about people with a real personality disorder, but more just how the term is used

Been doing this for yearssss. My niece tends to prefer the beef over the chicken though.

I actually think in the majority of the social scene it’s the OPPOSITE of narcissism. It seems like because of the amount of Snapchat Filters that get applied, Instagram Photo Editing abilities, and the option to take 100 photos til the one you get is just PERFECT it’s far more attention-craving for self-validation

I’m looking at the roster that won and scratching my head. Only like.... .25 Hall-of-Famer on there is is either: Sam Cassell or Rajon Rondo.

Look at any of these non-physical competitive sports/games, even Chess, they are all male dominated despite there being no female barrier to entry.

Conspiracy Theories are so appealing to a massive amount of people, because a massive amount of people are stupid. In lieu of having actual, legitimate, thoughts and hobbies in the pursuit of knowledge they get to listen to a conspiracy theory that is infinitely more exciting than anything going on in their life while

I mean... Could this simply be a tax loophole for both entities? Like, they both get some kind of tax break from it, but since they’re offsetting each others’ donations it’s no harm no foul for what the intended use of the money is?

One skill I definitely want to learn is how to flip an omlette. It’s one that I can do sometimes, but don’t practice often enough because well.... if I screw up I waste my whole breakfast and make a mess xD

I mean, logically I see what Bernie is saying. That a Democrat that is anti-choice is still better than a Republican who is a Republican who is anti-choice. And that in the spectrum of what it is that Democrats try and do there are going to be varying opinions on topics.

I am a risk taker with food, luckily I have a decent stomach for most things.

I feel like at this point, we just need to let this be a placebo for them. Let them trick themselves into thinking things are actually different. They’ll improve their lives subconsciously because of it, their increased happiness will trickle down to other things, meanwhile smart people will still do their smart

No idea how you got out of the greys, but I’ll attempt a serious/logical answer.

You can’t just show characters having a hard time. You have to show their moment of trauma as it was happening. It’s not enough to talk about rape, suicide, etc. They want to show it. Get that shock going.

What’s sad about sucicide isn’t the act in and of itself, but missing the person who is now gone. No different than the sadness of “killing” is not inherently in killing itself, but in the perceived loss of a value of life.