[updated] later that night:
[updated] later that night:
I guess there’s just a vas deferens in our levels of humor.
Or, OR, you can find better use for your extra $1000 and have no regret over it like, I don’t know, donate to hurricane victims?
Let’s not donation shame people. Who’s to say he’s not doing both?
What if a worse tragedy comes up shortly after? I could regret giving to the first and not the second.
Seriously. $1k is like 2 weeks of daycare.
Wait until you have a wife and two kids. Vacations cost me more than 4 grand these days. Repaving my driveway was 12 grand. My new window shades were 4 grand... Once you get a house and kids, you can’t do anything for a grand, except get a new iPhone.
Tom Clancy’s Warioland
Assassin’s Peach.
We just need someone to deal with the Prime Minister of Malaysia:
There was also an episode of Pushing Daisies about the idea. Which might be the most chaste version possible, albeit still ending in murder.
The best time to start was yesterday, the second best time to start is today.
It’s not a drama thriller - it’s a tragicomedy.
Juicero 2.0
Another game tried mixing rhythm with RPG, with (IMO) great success, called Before the Echo (formerly Sequence). The game was made by professional voice actor Jason Wishnov (the voice of Byakuya from Danganronpa), and as it turns out, he’s a hell of a writer.
I hear the whole ASoIaF saga is meant to be an analogy for climate change and how if the world doesn’t get its shit together and stop focusing on shortsighted petty squabbles and start focusing on the thing that threatens the whole human race really soon, humanity will be doomed by the time they see the danger.
What’s idealistic about focusing on the immediate tragedy and putting policy discussion aside for a few days?
This. The paleolithic era lasted for most of the existence of homo sapiens sapiens. Hunting and gathering, bare subsistence farming, some pastoralism... but very low population density and a fair amount of migration in search of food and resources. Even after we entered the “modern” era, some areas went in different…
Pressure cookers are super safe nowadays.