
Yes, I've seen these, on here before actually. Dude has some serious skills.

Get her a book, not necessarily a novel, etc but something about crafting or painting, etc. I used to love looking at books with trains, airplanes, and dinosaurs also anything published by DK about the natural world is always great to read through. There are also authors who publish kid friendly style history and

Thank you, and the quote from the nun is spot on, most of these politicians don't give a shit once the babies are born.

This makes a lot of sense, I also suspect the email might have had to due with their ethnicity or religion and her disapproval of said race or creed.

Damn, I thought one of the perks of being gay was none of this engagement/wedding ring bullshit. They're coming for us!

I just liked when he said " I'd like to thank God,...and the foreign press" Possibly some shade throwing against Gina.

I'm watching it on tv and I missed that somehow, most of not heard what did he say?

Poor Jamie's hands were shaking!

She had this same story on letterman and she knew some Italian but does not speak it fluently as far as I know and has forgotten much of it, Jodie foster does though and French. Maybe I'm wrong though, she made it seem like she didn't know Italian anymore.

I was pretty religious about taking my tetracycline everyday when I was in highschool and junior high, because I didn't want permanent and large facial scarring from my cystic acne. My back by then was totally ruined though =(. Tetracycline is pretty mild and I used it as prescribed pretty strictly so I hope I haven't

I play very casually and infrequently so my strategy is to wait on Wolfenstein for a year or two when it's on sale for ten dollars online. We'll see if I cave in or not and buy it sooner.

I agree and honestly it sounds like they used her disability up till now to get away with it because most flight attendants wouldn't want to confront the parents. If the plane hit turbulence and the kid rocketed up into the ceiling and died from injuries they'd have sued the airlines.

Funny thing is Idaho is mostly white and has pretty low crime but what we do have is satellite and cable connections to Fox news and the rest of the scary world.

Ketchum is right next to Sun Valley which is a ski resort town and very popular with rich people from all over the place for some reason. I live in Boise and have only passed through once. Outdoorsmans love Idaho because there's a lot of hiking, whitewater rafting, and of course hunting but that's pretty much it.

I honestly thought that was a picture of Gia Gunn for a minute.

Thank you for posting that, because it makes sense and I didn't think about it from that perspective till now.

I had a pretty horrible bloating experience in highschool on an airplane and years later I made sure to be prepared and had better control of my IBS and didn't have painful bloating or farting spasms when I took another air trip.

Excepting Lactose Intolerance, I have IBS and wouldn't be able to live without dairy products because of all the protein, fat, and nutrients I get from them they are one of the few food groups that don't make me bloat up like a dead horse.

I'd just like to take the time to call out the many, many, closeted gay men in straight marriages especially ones who cheat on their wives. A lot of them aren't even particularly religious is just the general social stigma towards gay people. At least these guys are honest that they are hard for men.