
I don't know, but a lot of cities are expensive as hell to rent in. The friend is still going to be using the space and water, and heating and cooling so I think depending on the situation it is pretty reasonable to request some payment. If she was flat broke it would be different but if they have jobs they could

Wow, that's super fucked up, glad you had the means to get out of their and save yourself from him.

I think about this a lot and my view is that if your are contributing to commerce in some way you are making the world move forward. Most any job provides a service someone needs that drives the economy and in turn investments, extra money to charity, and innovations to built the future. There are of course exceptions

You are dong everything right fellow compatriot, I am a clean person and wash my hands after the bathroom, petting the dog, etc but I also know you have zero chance of catching anything by planting your butt on a toil seat. It's quite freeing actually, I used to use toilet paper or those stupid covers but really they

No advice either, as I'm in the same situation, never had sex, etc, just best wishes.

Mo's really rockin that hair cut, he looks hot as fuck.

OOOH this sounds great, I'm gonna be binge listening to it all week.

Kinda in the same boat, drinking wise at least. I'm not religious but I have never been drunk, not that I ever drink either and I want to change that. So I have zero recommendations but my sister who doesn't drink much does martini mixes, you can buy than at supermarkets and just add ice so maybe give that a try. The

I remember a story on here when a designer at target had a collection and people would go the store just to resell the clothing for a profit online, what fuckers.

Well shit, this is the chicken I always get and I eat a lot of it. Gonna see if my packages have the dates on them, some have been frozen for a few weeks.

I'd want giorgio armani personally. The fits aren't too bad on the models but most people are going to look like a box in some of this stuff from Nina.

I like how people are accusing the supreme court of being people who make decision for Kentucky in black robes. Yeah, that's what they do, and you brought it on yourselves by actively denying rights to same sex couples that have no effect on you other than making you stew in hatred for no good reason.

Is anyone surprised with Watson and Radcliffe not keeping in touch? It's probably amicable, I haven't talked to most people I was friends with in highschool for years, you just grow apart. I don't see any reason why these two would go out of their way to keep in touch especially with their careers as they are right

I live with my parents too, I'm 22 and work full time, my sister is 24 and also lives with them. Anyone who says anything negative about a responsible adult living with their parents at any age can go die in a fire.

He was probably a toddler when this song came out, I'm curious if he got the reference.

He did, and jodie foster directed the episode.

Yeah goodgirltabby is a troll.

Whaaa!!! Why Cuba when you can pick North Korea? Which is actually the worst.

Good to hear, considering they are all harry potter generation anyone making fun of her would have surely been made an example of on campus. I think seeing someone in person, sans expensive red carpet dress also helps a person to not be overcome with celebrity fever, she is a person first .

When I graduated this May I had the option to opt out of having my name printed in the graduation program and other materials, etc. Probably what she did unless Emma Watson is not her legal name which I think it is.